


Discussion items

10minAnnouncements/ Updates 
  • PeopleSoft Integration
  • Shibboleth Integration
  • Systems Survey (6 Responses so far - Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) to send reminder to Project Managers)
  • Ex Libris Developer Network API Access
    • I asked a question on the Ex Libris Basecamp site used by Project Managers regarding when we would have API access and this was the response:
    • You will gain access to use APIs against Vanguard production servers as soon as we deliver data for testing in January. 
      In the meantime you can try APIs against Guest Sandbox.
    • You can sign up for an Ex Libris Developer Network account using the "Signup" link the upper right corner here:
10minTop 5 Working Group Priorities
These should be your group’s 5 most critical operations or processes that need to have defined and understood workflows when Alma goes live.
I would like you to share your group’s priorities with Mallory DeBartolo so she can begin a thorough analysis of these functional areas. She will get in touch with you each individually to follow up and answer any questions you might have regarding what is expected here.
Please send these to Mallory by February 1.
10minA progress report on activities and progress so far This info will be used in the next project update at the COLD Meeting on February 4-5. This doesn’t have to be lengthy, but should be an accurate reflection on what your working group has accomplished to date and what you plan to address over the next 4-6 months. Send these to Brandon by February 1.
10minAn update to be delivered at the March project kickoff meeting 

There will be a day set aside for Vanguard campus debriefing as well as updates and discussions regarding issues, discoveries and thoughts around the functional areas represented by the working groups. Each group should plan to be able to discuss progress to date, plans for the Spring and share advice amongst one another as well as attending peers. The March kickoff meeting will be in  late March.

Ian Chan (Unlicensed) and David Walker- slides / discussion on PeopleSoft patron load integration

Micah Jeffries (Unlicensed) - Printing

Suzanna Conrad (Unlicensed) - Authentication


5minIII Data Extraction Tips 

Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will create a page for Data Extraction info with tips from the Vanguard campuses. After reading the Ex Libris documentation on this, please add comments/ questions to the data extraction page. What should we do for Voyager campuses?

Action items