CO put together high-level architectural plan to manage system-wide process for loading patron data from PeopleSoft into Alma
Accepted by the PeopleSoft management group; cleared to start development
Last Wednesday, met with the Student Information System & HR side of CO PeopleSoft
They put together many questions, e.g., what happens with faculty enrolled in classes? expiration dates?
A few questions we cannot answer yet; related to simplifying patron types and expiration dates
Libraries will be required to agree to some of these; an Access Services WG Task Force has been assigned to come up with recommendations for all the campuses to adopt.
PeopleSoft group is flexible; they are willing to work with us to enable individual campus needs (though we are pushing for standardization / simplification)
Question: Alma expects XML, can PeopleSoft generated output in that format?
Answer: Yes. Dave has worked with Vanguard campuses to get PeopleSoft to generate the XML that Alma expects. Were able to take "SQR" routines from vanguard campuses as an example.
Expect to have something to test in July
Will control authentication with Primo
Ex Libris has registered Shib Service Providers with InCommon to make it easier for campuses to set up Shib for Primo; a few kinks to work out
Ex Libris is now working directly with the identity management group to set up IdP to test with Primo. We can get it working centrally and then send more specific directions for each campus. Campuses won't have access to Primo authentication until summer.
Question: Fresno notices they can authenticate through Shib at Fresno, is that supposed to be working?
Yes, Fresno was able to figure things out to authenticate. Missing stylesheets is a symptom of a different problem that is being worked on.
Question: Sacramento is using CAS for Primo, should we switch to Shib?
No mandate, but if it is available if you wish to.
Question: Re: central setup, is this the interface we see when attempting to login to CO Resources and are prompted to select campus (WAYF - Where Are You From)?
The central setup for Shib is a test case we can use to streamline instructions for each campus. Each campus will ultimately be involved on some level. Primo institutional views will send users to auth against their own campus Shib - users won't have to select their campus.
Question re: the Patron Load AS task force - how will the task force ensure their recommendations are representative of the entire CSU?
Task force will come up with initial recommendations and bring those out to the group for consideration. CO is happy to help with "urging" campuses to simplify patron types, etc. If exceptions need to be made, we have the technology/ability.
May do a survey / post to listservs to gather info about how campuses are using self-check
General Discussion / Question Time
Mark noted that Biblioteca purchased the library services division of 3M (which many campuses are using for self-check), but that customers are being assured of continuation of existing products.
Question about future of databases A-Z using Alma data:
Dave - is definitely on the horizon for the future.