


  • Introductions
  • Set scope and goals

Discussion items

Web recordingZoom

Zoom web recording

  • Quick overview of why people joined the group and what they wanted to get out of the taskforce
  • Bin: Sacramento interested in restoring a connection between Primo and Blackboard. Previously had a Building Block that integrated the two, but an upgrade several years ago broke it. They had two options previously: a "push" of records into Blackboard, or a "pull" of a folder of records from Primo into Alma.
  • Tyler: San Diego is interested in promoting content through Blackboard, as they see much higher use of resources that way. Also generally interested in developing open source applications.
  • Elizabeth. Northridge interested in promoting library content, in part to support Affordable Learning Solutions project. Has been confounded a bit in using a hosted Moodle environment. They are mostly linking to library resources. Interested in an "interactive desktop" as a way not just to assemble library resources but also provide a more collaborative tool.
  • Neil. Previously handled e-reserves in Sierra, and all e-resources are now in Canvas, making faculty responsible for this, with some help from the library. Copyright is a big issue, permalinks are a problem.
  • David. We have a couple of campuses using a CO-developed Blackboard plugin with Xerxes that will need to be updated for Primo or replaced with something different. Did previous work on a stand-alone approach, but that is on the back burner.
15minBrainstorm things we could work onDavid
  • Survey libraries to uncover existing integration of library resources with LMS systems
  • Set out e-Reserves best practices
  • Auto-populate entries in Alma from course list (via LMS or maybe campus systems)
  • Investigate Blackboard Content module (e-reserves)
  • Develop reading list application
  • Update and repair Northwestern's old Primo Buildingblock
  • Investigate Leganto
10minBrainstorm questions for survey 
  • What is your LMS?
  • How are you managing e-reserve now?
  • Describe how you are integrating library resources in your LMS?
  • Do you have any existing mechanism for exporting reading lists or resource lists into the LMS?
  • What would you like to see done? Examples of things that are compelling.
  • Are you using SIPX or a similar service to legally obtain the right to distribute resources through eReserves?

Action items

  • David Walker will send out survey questions to group to continue brainstorming  
  • David Walker will schedule monthly meeting on third Wed. of each month at 9:00 AM.