Quick overview of why people joined the group and what they wanted to get out of the taskforce
Bin: Sacramento interested in restoring a connection between Primo and Blackboard. Previously had a Building Block that integrated the two, but an upgrade several years ago broke it. They had two options previously: a "push" of records into Blackboard, or a "pull" of a folder of records from Primo into Alma.
Tyler: San Diego is interested in promoting content through Blackboard, as they see much higher use of resources that way. Also generally interested in developing open source applications.
Elizabeth. Northridge interested in promoting library content, in part to support Affordable Learning Solutions project. Has been confounded a bit in using a hosted Moodle environment. They are mostly linking to library resources. Interested in an "interactive desktop" as a way not just to assemble library resources but also provide a more collaborative tool.
Neil. Previously handled e-reserves in Sierra, and all e-resources are now in Canvas, making faculty responsible for this, with some help from the library. Copyright is a big issue, permalinks are a problem.
David. We have a couple of campuses using a CO-developed Blackboard plugin with Xerxes that will need to be updated for Primo or replaced with something different. Did previous work on a stand-alone approach, but that is on the back burner.
Brainstorm things we could work on
Survey libraries to uncover existing integration of library resources with LMS systems
Set out e-Reserves best practices
Auto-populate entries in Alma from course list (via LMS or maybe campus systems)