


  • Determine testing timelines for self-check
  • Talk about bug reporting form and display on Confluence
  • Finalize bug reporting form questions

Discussion items

5 minTesting StatusSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)
  • Natasha was able to successfully setup self-check with Alma over past few weeks; went through the entire product documentation from Ex Libris and added her own notes. Had to troubleshoot weird log error. She can share documentation to share on Confluence. Mike not yet able to test. Cecilia also not yet able to test.
10 minTest log & issues displaying on ConfluenceSuzanna Conrad (Unlicensed)
  • Suzanna edited form from Natasha to accept responses for bug reporting. Group discussed form and ways to present data publicly. Testing status page updated.
15 minAuthentication with PINs/PasswordsNatasha Allen (Unlicensed)
  • Discussed at SJSU if PINs were valuable to have. Students will have to setup PINs again because the PIN numbers are masked. Patron can set it up in Primo or from account screen in Alma. Curious about what other campuses are planning on doing with PINs/passwords. Can they use the campus IDs/passwords? Maybe throw this out to the larger Systems Working Group. Suzanna also asking about SIP2 use case at Sacramento.

Action items