Elizabeth Rallos, San Marcos (
Jeremy Hobbs, San Luis Obispo (
- First meeting of the Import Profiles TF
- Introductions and backgrounds
- Figure out logistics
- Start work on policies
Discussion items
Micah will Chair
Moon will edit wiki
Meetings will happen first Tuesday of every month, with occasional pop-up meetings as needed
We will start working on the draft of policies based on what Marcus has generously compiled:
Other Points of Discussion and Questions
Should we have a code repository of rules on a shared environment?
Should we ask acquisitions vendors to supply OCLC # or supply their own unique identifier in a specified field?
CSUN has tested some functionalities but hasn’t fully been able to go through the whole process, do NZ level permissions need to be given? Or is it some other ailment?
Should we talk to other consortia? Orbis? UWisconsin?