Add "additional links" to "My Account" area of Primo
link type for "payment" - similar to payment module for eCommerce - point to application that handles payment
Sends userID to custom interface that pulls userID, then pulls fines/fees based upon userID
Local process that is linked to - gathers what fines are available on the account and send the information on to PayPal
Setting in CashNet to tell CashNet where to go back to after fines have been paid, processing scripts sends data to Alma to indicate that fines have been paid
eMarkets model
$3500/yr (unless unlimited eMarket license)
Potentially recommend that campuses purchase / take advantage of eMarket for year1, while custom interface is developed
Downside - when they go into the CashNet portal, the amount they need to pay is not specified. Shows as $0 balance due
When payment received, email is sent to circ inbox, and someone has to apply the payment to Alma and release payment in PeopleSoft
to potentially automate - grab data out of email and send to Alma Fines/Fees API
More information needed: Accounting / reconciliation fines/fees and payment trails
When Sacramento used eCommerce model, daily totals sent to campus financials - entered into CashNet / automatically pushed into PeopleSoft in nightly job (at Sacramento for parking, no longer need receipts as they are sent to PeopleSoft automatically) -
More information needed: Fines to go general fund, replacement costs are kept by the library - Can CashNet understand which fines go to which fund?
With parking T2 - there's an identifier for the type of transaction
bill by type of charge - fine/fee vs. replacement
Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) ask CashNet: Alma differentiates between transaction type (fine vs. replacement) - would CashNet be able to communicate the charge type that was paid back to Alma?
Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) to ask CashNet rep if CashNet can communicate charge type out and handle different types of payments (e.g., fine vs. replacement)
Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) to reach out to Delfin at Stanislaus re: custom parking app that handles payments from multiple entities