ULMS Systems & Development : 2017-04-13 Meeting notes
Created by Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) , last modified on Apr 14, 2017
Date 13 Apr 2017 , 3PM
Discussion items Time Item Who Notes TF Updates Self-check - only waiting on 2 campuses to complete testing, all other campuses have either tested or won't be going live with self-check 10min CO Systems Projects update
Alma ShibbolethWaiting on CO identity management config instructions, still in progress Contingency plan to start with one campus and set up instructions based on that campus configuration Alma Financials IntegrationStill in progress, much is set up and being tested at San Jose Documentation / Getting Started Guide will be sent out for testing for a few other campuses to test Course Reserves search hosting (San Marcos app/LMS TF)Re-prioritized deliverable for LMS TFDown the line, will be working toward a possible LTI/LMS integration Will be set up for each campus Later, branding/customizations options will be available San Marcos app Test examples:
URL redirect for link resolution Renorms break Primo permalinks - important to remember that Primo permalinks may not be 'permanent'
10min Patron Load Troubleshooting and Testing Best Practices
CSU HR split upcoming - the CMS script for the extract was designed to be adaptable to run two queries - one for students, one for HR Handling auxiliariesIn CMS program setup, mapping table to POI types if you don't map POI, they are put into retiree Can put in enhancement request Who are visiting scholars?Professors on campus to visit, do research, or help teach - not having expiration dates for short-term visitors like visiting scholars may be problematic Should put in enhancement request Do general community users need to be part of a standardized user group?No, user groups for community borrowers can be determined locally 10min ILLiad login w/Alma User API (instructions ) Ian Chan (Unlicensed) ISAPI intercepts traffic to ILLiad server and redirects to login script
Must be able to install ISAPI filter on ILLiad server to use script
Example shared login script authenticates against LDAP, could be configured for other auth protocols Sends the username to the Alma user API script then pulls back data from Alma (active, patron type, other values) Auto-creates ILLiad accounts Will San Marcos be interested in bringing in user data from Alma via API into ILLiad, rather than on login?
Not at this time, but is possible via API or by analytics Log issues in the GitHub repo
10min Checkin - concerns / open issues? All
Action items