

Discussion items

15minCO Project Updates
  • PayPal - every campus has a PayPal gateway for the CSU application process to enable students to pay application fees using PayPal
    • From the CO point of view, it is preferable to CashNet, though most campuses are more set up to use CashNet
    • Fines/Fees group - pick this up and explore
  • SIS: Enhancements to the patron load process:
    • Campuses tend to use PeopleSoft differently, causing some data issues; CO is rejecting enhancements because campuses are using a non-standard process, so CO thinks campuses just needs to change their business process
    • *Non Stateside employees: auxiliary groups on campus who are tracked in PeopleSoft - Dave will be working with the Access Services group, and Renaldo Gjoshe (Unlicensed) offered to help as well - will be either enhancement or COMR exception
    • Set expiration dates for fac/staff when known (particularly for visiting scholars) - requires COMR exception for each campus because of variations in how that's done on each campus
    • *Excluding the address - employee work address as substitute for home address has been requested - that will be an enhancement request to CO
    • *Set an expiration date for students when they withdraw - expiration is set to end of term + number of weeks; but if a student withdraws, exp date never gets updated w/withdraw date
    • Question: what happens if an address field is blank? Are other people using data other than home address right now?
  • Authentication:
    • Some individual users having problems getting into Primo, as you run into these, file cases w/Ex Libris
 20minILLiad Plugin Install / Troubleshooting 

Micah Jeffries (Unlicensed) / Laura Krier / MIke Price

 Illiad NCIP Plug-in : Set Up Procedure

  • Common issues - be sure to set the NCIP responder URL with na03 as the Alma instance portion for the URL
  • Testing: Use a live patron's request - as long as they have an ID in ILLiad - if one of their items comes in you can check it in in Alma -
    • Make fake ILLiad requests - didn't send them all the way through to OCLC (change the status in ILLiad) - so it doesn't actually go out as a request
    • With lending requests, use expired lending requests - the borrowing library won't receive updates from OCLC. Make ILLiad process it as if it was a request - once received, Alma will display the request to logged-in users in Primo under 'requests' in their library account
  • When is everyone putting this into production? Each campus can decide if and when to roll out. Some campuses may decide not to use the plugin.
  • Kirstie @ CSULB - known issues identified:
    • when you set up your ILLiad partner to automatically receive, supposed to stop at physically received, but it moves to another weird status, you can manually receive like other ILL requests, or you can have it auto-receive.
    • Lender due date is ignored, the CSU+ setting overrides, so desk workers have to manually override the date.
    • If you have multiple volumes, no way to account for that, it will only accept the first barcode - can override by going into the request to update the barcodes.
  • Once NCIP is installed, at what point does it show up in the user's record?
    • should be instantaneous to show up in the user's Primo account under requests once the item is received - when you make the request in ILLiad it doesn't show up right away, it only appears once we receive the item and change the status to receiving it and at awaiting customer contact. It doesn't wait until the user notification is sent. Alma notification is sent prior to ILLiad notification.

Testing resources - see (Thanks Renaldo Gjoshe (Unlicensed))

Distributing add-ons to multiple clients:

  • File-share-supplied add-ons install in addition to any locally installed add-ons on the user workstation.
  • Versioning is supported through the version parameter in config.xml (of every add-on)
  • Enable logging in the ILLiad client when testing - have to run the client as administrator for that to work - under options - turn on debugging
  • Challenge to be setting on user ID - that's a setting in your resource sharing partner setup in Alma > Parameters - make sure your user identifier type is selected to match the matching point in ILLiad
  • SLO stored user share on ILLiad server that all ILLiad users are part of a windows group that have access to the ILLiad server share storing the add-ons
  • Once the client is run as administrator - it brings down the file from the server share and automatically activates it as well
  • There's an additional add-on for the new UI to search within the client

Question about a server addon that enables NCIP borrowing and renewals:, SFSU is exploring but can't seem to get it to work - may query Alma and/or ILLiad listserv

See also: ILLiad Primo New UI Add on:

15minMoving to CSU Lib IT (listservs, Slack, CSU Lib IT Meetup, etc.)

CSULibIT/IR Meeting July 31-August 2 in Chico

Please use the following URL to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the CSULIT listserv:

(Thanks Renaldo Gjoshe (Unlicensed) for info about the CSULIT listserv)

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