ULMS Systems & Development : "Protect Everything" load table for III Discussion

At the Sept. 10th Meeting, the question of errors related to protecting more than 50 fields in a load table arose, especially as it pertains to OCLC Reclamation projects.  There was recently a discussion on the III Load Profiles listserv started by Fresno that has some useful solutions.  See especially Richard V. Jackson's response re: the 'match and attach' method.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Maria Pena wrote:

We are going through a Reclamation project and have received the xref reports from OCLC which consist of two columns with the record numbers and the corresponding OCLC#s.  I created MARC records from these reports.  The MARC records have the 001 with the OCLC# and the 907|a with the record number.
I created a load table to protect all but the 001 and 003.  However, when I go to validate the table I get an error message that reads:
"m2btab @ov_protect exceeds maximum of 50 protected variable fields"
My @ov_protect line reads like this:
Does anyone have a table they are willing to share; or can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

From: Martha Rice Sanders
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 2:08 PM
To: Load Profile Listserv
Subject: Re: [load-profilers] Reclamation load
My primary table for loading MARC records received back from Backstage, our authority control vendor, regularly gives this message but loads the records successfully. When I went to load table training 8 or so years ago, Monica Brady, my trainer, said not to worry about this message. So I haven't. By the way, this table was created by III 20 years ago. I've made occasional edits to it but not touched the protection line.
You might test load back one record and be sure that all your fields were, in fact, protected.


I have done exactly this using a combination of @ov_action="a" (match and attach) and @ov_attach_insert="o(001)".  “Match and attach” is intended to attach items or orders without making any changes to the bib, so you don’t even have to worry about @ov_protect.  At the same time, @ov_attach_insert lets you insert specified fields into the bib.  And if you delete or comment out any @link trigger, you won’t attach any records either.
Here are the key lines:
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ov_action="a"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ov_attach_insert="o(001)"           [assuming you use field tag ‘o’ for the OCLC number]
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ldx="907"
#|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@link=...                [commented out]
I hope this helps.
Richard V. Jackson
Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens