ULMS Systems & Development : Northridge "protect everything" loader (load OCLC to 035)

NOTE:  Be sure to check the III field tag you use for the 035 number.  Northridge has the 035 tagged with a y.  If you use a different field tag, be sure to edit the 7th element of the 035 line (the last line of the table, to reflect your III field tag for the 035.

Contact Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) with any questions about this table.


#This is a load table used in OCLC reclamation.  It protects all fields except for the 035 field, which will be overlaid from the incoming record.
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@main="b"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@marc="b"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@atab="a"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@msg="Bibs will be overlaid but nothing written."
/^999||m|0|12| | |0|n|G|0|#com="ins"@password=""
/^999||z|0|10| | |0|n|G|0|@recs="bid2revf"
/^999||x|0|1| | |0|n|G|0|#com="clsi"@clsi="n"
/^999||w|0|1| | |0|n|N|0|#com="test"@test="n"
/^999||v|0|1| | |0|n|N|0|#com="init"@init="n"
/^999||u|0|1| | |0|n|N|0|#com="disp"@disp="n"
/^999||s|0|30| | |0|n|G|0|#com="ip"@itemprefix=""
/^999||o|0|20| | |0|n|G|0|#com="dflt"@dflt=""
/^999||t|0|10| | |0|n|G|0|#com="ov"@ov_tag=" "
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ov_action="u"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0

|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@holdsymb=""
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@locmerge="n"
/^949 ||a|0|400| | |0|n|G|0|@comline
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@callnum="nnnny"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@bldmarc=""
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@diac=""
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@leader_utf8="y"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ldx="907"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@ov_rec_number="r"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@busy="y"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@title="n"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@cdate="y"
|||0|0| | |0|n|G|0|@speriod="n"