ULMS Systems & Development : Meeting with Vanguard Campus Identity Management Re: Shibboleth




  • Introduce the project
  • Determine Feasibility of using Shibboleth 
  • Gather questions about the project that need to be sent to Ex Libris

Discussion items

Introduce the project
 Determine Feasibility of Using Shibboleth 
  • January 2016 for the initial test phase
    • Should be straightforward
  • In production in June 2017
  • Would this project involve Shibbolizing other library services?
    • If it's possible, we can do it but we don't want it to detract from the primary goal of getting Shibboleth set up with Alma
 What we need from you and vice versa 
  • Is the Service Provider (SP) in InCommon?
    • Ex Libris is a member of InCommon
    • Ex Libris needs to register the application with InCommon
    • Alma appears to have SAML configuration screen that is not already setup to use InCommon
    • Someone will need to sponsor the vendor. Will the CO serve as sponsor?
  • What campuses need to set up Alma Shibboleth integration:
    • SP Metadata template file
    • Attribute Release - whatever information is released from Shibboleth can be linked in with other application attributes
    • Security review and use of attributes
      • Depends what attributes are being used; to ensure that no protected information is involved in risk
      • FERPA protections in the application will need to be considered
      • Each campus' identity management would need to review for security. Campuses would know if students have opted in / out of extra protection. Generally if one ISO reviews, we share the risk assessment with other ISOs (Information Security Officers).
      • ISOs have a phone call every other week, Kevin will add this topic to the agenda.
    • All of this information would be simplified for use by campuses if they registered the application with InCommon
  • https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/integrations/user-management/saml
  • Question: is this one application or multiple applications? From an authentication perspective it will be 23 separate instances of the same application.

Action items

  • Ask Ex Libris to register Alma as an application with InCommon David Walker
  • Determine if Chancellor's Office needs to serve to sponsor Ex Libris' InCommon registration David Walker
  • Provide additional information to Kevin K at Northridge for ISO conference call (occurs every other week) about what fields are needed David Walker