Gather questions about the project that need to be sent to Ex Libris
Discussion items
Introduce the project
Determine Feasibility of Using Shibboleth
January 2016 for the initial test phase
Should be straightforward
In production in June 2017
Would this project involve Shibbolizing other library services?
If it's possible, we can do it but we don't want it to detract from the primary goal of getting Shibboleth set up with Alma
What we need from you and vice versa
Is the Service Provider (SP) in InCommon?
Ex Libris is a member of InCommon
Ex Libris needs to register the application with InCommon
Alma appears to have SAML configuration screen that is not already setup to use InCommon
Someone will need to sponsor the vendor. Will the CO serve as sponsor?
What campuses need to set up Alma Shibboleth integration:
SP Metadata template file
Attribute Release - whatever information is released from Shibboleth can be linked in with other application attributes
Security review and use of attributes
Depends what attributes are being used; to ensure that no protected information is involved in risk
FERPA protections in the application will need to be considered
Each campus' identity management would need to review for security. Campuses would know if students have opted in / out of extra protection. Generally if one ISO reviews, we share the risk assessment with other ISOs (Information Security Officers).
ISOs have a phone call every other week, Kevin will add this topic to the agenda.
All of this information would be simplified for use by campuses if they registered the application with InCommon
Question: is this one application or multiple applications? From an authentication perspective it will be 23 separate instances of the same application.
Action items
Ask Ex Libris to register Alma as an application with InCommon David Walker
Determine if Chancellor's Office needs to serve to sponsor Ex Libris' InCommon registration David Walker
Provide additional information to Kevin K at Northridge for ISO conference call (occurs every other week) about what fields are needed David Walker