

Working Group

Systems & Development

Task Force
Self-Check / SIP2 / Stunnel
Report Summary

Campuses are being encouraged to test self-check machines to make sure they are operational. Currently, 6 of 8 campuses have successfully tested self-check. Five of 8 campuses have reported feedback in a self-check testing form we have available on Confluence (Testing Status for Self-Check). An update reminding campuses to test was sent out on 4/12/17. Currently, only one campus with more than 15% of circs on self-check has not tested (Channel Islands). All other campuses that have not tested have less than 15% of circs on self-check (San Luis Obispo, 2%). Channel Islands is hoping to test by the end of April and San Luis OBispo tested unsuccessfully and is working on troubleshooting the problem.

We plan on sending another reminder on 4/24/17 to the remaining campuses testing self-check. We are not on schedule to complete testing by 3/1/17 and hope to complete testing now, or receive information on campus' plans by 5/1/17.


Action ItemsSend out additional reminders encouraging campuses to test.