Vimperator (FireFox)
Can be used to navigate Alma with keyboard. Instructions below.
Vrome (Chrome)
Same as Vimperator for FireFox - set up key binding for more efficient navigation.
Staying Alive (Chrome)
Can be used to keep your Alma session alive for longer, so you aren't automatically logged out for being idle.
When setting up the trigger URL, use the URL that appears in your URL bar when you are already logged into Alma.
Session Keeper (FireFox)
Same as Staying Alive - keep your session active for longer if you are idle.
Selenium (Integrated Development Environment - Firefox and IE)
Can be used to automate repetitive tasks.
ChromeDriver (Chrome)
Same as Selenium.
ShowPnx Extension/Plugin (Chrome / FireFox)
The PNX (Primo Normalized XML) record is the record data from Alma that has been piped and transformed for display in Primo. An easy way to view the PNX record is to add &showPnx=true to the end of the URL when looking at a full record view in Primo. Viewing the PNX can be useful in troubleshooting problems with record or field display. With this plugin you can view the PNX record with a click of the button.
To install the FireFox plugin: Go here: and a JavaScript function will display. Press Ctrl+A (Cmd+A on Mac) and click and drag the entire function onto your bookmarks toolbar. Right click the saved bookmark and select Properties and rename the bookmark as ShowPnx.
XML Tree
Improves the display of XML when using the PNX Viewer in Primo Back Office Configuration.