
February 17, 2017

Working Group

Systems & Development + Technical Services

Task Force

Alma Import Profiles 

Report Summary

Held Monthly meeting on February 7, 2017 to accomplish the following:

  • Reviewed, and agreed that all currently submitted policies can be upgraded from DRAFT to FINAL.
  • Reviewed documentation on the testing Marcus performed with imports of vendor records. Addressed concerns about using the 3 round approach.
  • MARCive (wait until the local policies have been settled).Not a concern at this time. Need to wait and see what Brandon and Implementation teams establish as far as policies.
  • Updated the NZ import template default to include originated system of WorldCat, binary files, UTF-8 encoding, and include the CSU Remove 029,936,938,948,984 NZ norm rule.
Action ItemsContinue practicing the creation, testing and refinement of import profiles and norm rules.