Staff need to be able to login to Alma and end-users need to be able to login to Primo to perform tasks. Adopting a systemwide approach allows us to streamline the process for setting-up authentication. It also allows us to coordinate this work with the related task of automating the loading of patron data from PeopleSoft to Alma.
This documentation is for your Shibboleth administrator. They will need to modify the Shibboleth configuration to work with Alma. Alma should already be configured to support Shibboleth.
Project Team
Role | Name |
Project lead | |
Chancellor's Office Contacts | Marcus Mizushima (Shibboleth) Michael Trullinger (Dir. Tech Infr.) Carol Kiliany (Project Manager) |
Ex Libris Contacts | Wei Dai |
Campus Contacts
Contact | Campus | Title | Phone | |
Trullinger, Michael | CO-ITS | Associate Director, Identity and Access Management | mtrullinger@calstate.edu | 562-951-4295 |
Mizushima, Marcus | CO-ITS | Lead Identity Management Analyst | mmizushima@calstate.edu | 562-951-4532 |
Kilingenstein, Nate | CO-ITS | Identity Mangment Analyst | nklingensein@calstate.edu | 562-951-4286 |
Kiliany, Carol | CO-ITS | Project Manager | ckiliany@calstate.edu | 562-951-4214 |
Fleming, Michael | Bakersfield | Network Analyst | mfleming@csub.edu | 661-654-2118 |
Aquino, Herb | Channel Islands | Manager, IT Infrastructure | herb.aquino@csuci.edu | 805-437-8550 |
Miller, Andy | Chico | Senior Director, Enterprise Applications | lamiller@chico.edu | 530-898-3169 |
Chang, Bill | Dominguez Hills | Director, Enterprise Applications | bchang@csudh.edu | 310-243-3702 |
Lim, Gene | East Bay | Dir, Sys & Infrastructure Eng | gene.lim@csueastbay.edu | 510-885-7283 |
Mize, Mike | Fresno | Operating Systems Team Lead | mikem@csufresno.edu | 559-278-3923 |
Luzzi, Joe | Fullerton | IT-Enterprise Resource Planning | jluzzi@exchange.fullerton.edu | 657-278-3251 |
Callahan, Josh | Humboldt | Information Security Officer | josh.callahan@humboldt.edu | 707-826-3815 |
Santana, Jesse | Long Beach | Dir, Servers, Systems&Web Svcs | Jesse.Santana@csulb.edu | 562-985-4750 |
Lee, Michael | Los Angeles | Associate Director, CMS and Enterprise Systems | mlee40@cslanet.calstatela.edu | 323-343-2651 |
Sosa, Paul | Maritime Academy | Operating Sys Analyst | psosa@csum.edu | 707-654-1728 |
Mann, Steven | Monterey Bay | Associate Director of Network Services | steven.mann@csumb.edu | 831-582-4533 |
Jeff Arlt | Moss Landing | Network Administrator | jarlt@mlml.calstate.edu | 831-771-4425 |
Krezwinski, Kevin | Northridge | Director, Applications Development | kevin.krezwinski@csun.edu | 818-677-5911 |
Arboleda, Al | Pomona | Chief Technology Officer | aarboleda@cpp.edu | 909-979-6449 |
Pike, Brennan | Sacramento | Identity Management Lead | pikejb@csus.edu | 916-278-7635 |
Torner, Javier | San Bernardino | Information Security Officer | jtorner@csusb.edu | 909-537-7720 |
Jeffers, Marcus | San Diego | Lead Identity Management Analyst | mjeffers@mail.sdsu.edu | 619-594-5432 |
Nagore, Basha | San Francisco | Identity Management Analyst | nagore@sfsu.edu | 415-405-4346 |
Cook, Mike | San Jose | Dir. Identity, Sec. & Ent Comp | mike.cook@sjsu.edu | 408-924-1705 |
Malone, Dan | San Luis Obispo | Identity Architect | dmalone@calpoly.edu | 805-756-6326 |
Margo Lopez | San Marcos | Director, Systems Integration and Identity Management | margo@csusm.edu | 760-750-4786 |
Brian Biggs | Sonoma | Analyst/Programmer | brian.biggs@sonoma.edu | 707-664-2047 |
Cardoza, Corey | Stanislaus | Analyst/Programmer | ccardoza@csustan.edu | 209-667-3731 |