ULMS Systems & Development : Information re: Parking Fine Payment @ Sac State

Thanks to Christian Ward for this information:

"I was able to catch up with our CashNet person here at Sac State and this is what they described as the process for our parking system to pay for citations regardless of campus affiliation:

Parking services uses a third-party citation management vendor that provide an interface for people to create guest accounts or sign in via our campus login. 

- Our campus provides a nightly export of user ID and address to the vendor (T2) to create accounts within the T2 management systems. 

- After a user has signed into the T2 system, they can review their outstanding fines and select which fines to pay. 

- They then are taken to a confirmation page where they confirm that they want to pay. 

- After this stage, the fine information is sent to a unique CashNet account page via a web service that uses an add-on functionality for CashNet called SmartPay.

- SmartPay provides a summary of the fines and allows users to provide credit card information.

- One the fine has been paid, SmartPay sends information back to the T2 system where the fine information is updated. 

Our campus IT created the processing service that transfers information back and forth between the T2 and SmartPay systems, and updates the T2 system once the transaction is complete. The creation of this processing services was in conjunction with the vendor.

The unique CashNet account page has an associated job that was created to move those fines process via the T2 application into the general CashNet systems for automatic receipting into campus financials.

Our campus IT noted that if we do not have a storefront for users to see and interact with their fines, one will need to either be created or implemented. CashNet offers other platforms that may accomplish both the storefront and payment processing. Namely, products like ePayment may help achieve these requirements, but may cost more money.

We may be able to work with CashNet to create an interface that all campuses could use but would need the CO to help with that.

Thats all the updates from my end. If we want a detailed look at the processing service let me know. Our campus IT also indicated that it may be more efficient to straight into CashNet without using the unique account page, but that would be worked out with CashNet."