Home Page ULMS Technical Services : ULMS Technical Services


The Technical Services Working Group Leads assist the ULMS Implementation Team by providing oversight and support for work in all functional areas of technical services in Alma. The Leads develop and assess shared workflows, policies, procedures and training in support of CSU.The Leads contribute to the oversight for Alma acquisitions and resource management in collaboration with task forces and other working groups.

The Chair provides reports and brings issues to the ULMS Implementation Team, as appropriate.



Responsible Group/Task Force                                                               

Identify, develop, and revise policies and procedures governing work in a shared environment (Network Zone).

Monitor, assess, and support the work of Technical Services task forces.

TS Leads

Identify and propose solutions to problems.

TS Leads & Task Forces

Collaborate with Working Groups (Discovery, Analytics, and Systems) in support of work across areas related to the display and indexing of data, statistics, and configuration of systems and import profiles.

TS Leads

Identify and assist with frequently asked questions about technical services problems in Alma (e.g., via FAQs).

TS Leads

Communication and troubleshooting: Continue to host Open Forums to disseminate information, discuss policies and procedures, and solicit input from TS Working Group; and encourage the use of Slack for reporting and troubleshooting technical services problems.

TS Leads

Assess additional resources (e.g., personnel) needed to support technical services work in a shared environment.

TS Leads