CALSTATE weekly project call
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
1. Consortium Alma sandbox setup – Connie Braun to provide an update
a. Network sandbox environments setup:
i. 1 Network + 2 member institutions. One of the members will be standard Alma sandbox content (same users, same vendors, same fund structure). Second member will be a smaller member will be a newly built environment with about 10k bibs + inventory. Approx 120 users. Overall, these two environments are generally unique.
ii. Connie will be providing user information for each member institution to us.
iii. Target release to CALSTATE: early next week
2. Test load instances released
a. Known issues:
i. Local fields migration:
§ Problem: local fields tagged in the 900-949 range are exposed in the NZ master record (not good)
§ Solution: move your local fields (with $9 LOCAL) to:
· 090-099
· 590-599
· 690-699
· 950- 999
§ POST-MIGRATION, and when you are working in Alma, local fields are supported in these fields:
· 090-099
· 590-599
· 690-699
· 9XX
ii. San Jose: 850 tag - summary statement not migrated; will be fixed for May test load; no action needed on your end
3. Data testing and how to report issues:
· Basecamp if you have questions in general or are unsure
· Salesforce cases to report data issues (one issue per case)
4. Creating users and assigning roles – are people comfortable with the process? Do we need to review?
· Recommend: create internal users for your staff
· If using external authentication to Alma, once you've got it all set-up, you can then assign roles to those externally managed users
· Action: When will CNAMES be available? Audrey to check
5. Alma certification – February cycle sign-ups; any questions?
· Northridge: Lauren Magnuson
· San Jose: Micah Jeffries
· Fresno: Maria Pena plus Christine Evans and Renaldo Gjoshe
· Chancellor's Office: Brandon Dudley
· Note: Vanguard institutions + NZ institution Alma configuration will be opened after the certification exam is completed
6. Review the timeline for Primo for the rest of the vanguard phase (see basecamp todo list for dates)
· Action: Audrey to work with Brandon/David to schedule the consortium handoff
7. 3rd party integrations per institution – have we determined what each institution wants to test/implement during this phase?
· Action: Please send Audrey your completed 3rd party integrations sheet if you have it; we will be pleased to assist with configuration/testing upon request
8. For a list of records not linked to the NZ, here's how you would search and retrieve in Alma:
· The easiest way to search for not linked to NZ records is to run an advanced search -- All Titles where All titles (Is linked equals "No")
· Find records not linked to NZ with OCLC numbers -- All Titles where All titles (Other System Number starts with "(OCoLC)" and Is linked equals "No")
Note: A reason for non-linking to NZ may be a multi match of OCLC number
· Find boundwiths parent record (they are not linked to NZ by default) -- All Titles where All titles (Title starts with "Host bibliographic record")
· Combine set 1 and 3 – all not linked records without parent boundwiths
· Combine set 4 and 2 – all not linked without OCLC number and not include parent boundwiths
9. Reminder: set your proxy as indicated below --