Questions | Answers |
Can local collections be created and managed in the Network Zone and shared by multiple libraries? | Yes, it is possible to create local collection in the NZ and make it available for a specific group of libraries. |
In what format are Alma print jobs? What if a local printer cannot process that format? | Alma print jobs are e-mail messages containing XSL-formatted text/html in the body. External clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Namtuk, etc.) may be usedto process incompatable formats and route messages to the appropriate printers – see multiple articles in the Developer Network by searching "alma print proxy" |
Can access to the Primo Back Office be restricted by login or IP address range? What access will be provided upon handoff of our Primo instance? | Yes, there are logins required to access the Primo Back Office. There are different levels of login available such as admin (access to everything at the institution level) all the way down to utility (access to the file uploader utility only). A full description of each staff user level can be found in the Primo Back Office Guide. We'll provide a single admin level user for each institution when we handoff the Back Office, after which each institution will be able to create all of the necessary logins for the relevant staff. In addition to the logins, we have to open the back office server to staff IPs, which you'll provide to us under the question "Please list the IPs for the computers at your institution that staff members will use to access the Primo Back Office (i.e. the administrative interface)". Users outside these IPs will instead see a page cannot be displayed error. |
Does the minimum amount of time required between booking requests by the same patron setting affect a specific item or class of items (e.g: single laptop vs. all laptops)? | This setting affects an entire class/group of items if the items in question have no description. When placing a booking request on a specific item within a record that contains multiple items:- If the record's items contain descriptions, only the specific item attached to the booking request can fulfill that request (even though there are other items associated with the record). If an operator tries to loan an item other than the specific item which was requested, the booking request cannot be fulfilled with that item.- If the record's items do not contain descriptions, any item associated with the record can fulfill the request, as the request is placed on the title level. Furthermore, all of the record's items are available to be used for other requests, provided that there is one item remaining to fulfill the booking request. |
Are local call numbers treated the same (i.e. tagged) in an item record as opposed to a bib record? | An item record in Alma is always a local institution zone record. It inherits call number from linked holdings records in the Network Zone. Item records may have an 'Alternative Call Number', if exists, which is stored in a item record and can be displayed to the end users if enabled by configuration parameter. |
Do we need to move OCLC numbers in the 001 to the 035 prior to migration, or will Ex Libris handle moving any 001 values to the 035 during the data load process? | ExL will move these values to the 035 during the data load process. The migration moves (003)001-institutioncode to the 035a, for example: 001: The former system number is number in 001, and the library's Marc Organization Code could be in 003. Script will discard 003, put 001 into 035 $a as (MOC)001_value-01cust |
Is it possible to set up recalls so that only certain patron types can recall an item that is checked out to certain ptypes. Example: Students and Faculty can recall items checked out to faculty and grad students, but community borrowers cannot recall items checked out to faculty and grad students. | Loan is linked to a specific Fulfillment rule. Fulfillment rule defines if item is recallable or not. If rule is set based on user group, you can set that all items loaned to community users are recallable. But, there is no option (or at least requires more research) where you can set that specific patron group can/cannot recall item loaned to a specific group. |
On the 'Block When Overdue Length' - What is the patron blocked from? Are they just blocked from checking out material or does this block them from remote access to electronic resources too? Do we have a choice to say they can't check out materials, but could have access to electronic materials? | It is blocking user from loaning items. Restricting access to e-resources is done by using EZProxy in conjunction with Alma, or available for group settings in Alma. |
How do we allow booking on some, but not all items in a Location Type? Example: If we have an 'Equipment' Location Type that includes some materials that are bookable and some that are not. Is that possible and how do we note that on the configuration form? | It is possible to do by using item policies. In addition, Alma can be configured to not allow community patrons (or any other user group) to place requests, which has the effect of not allowing them to recall items since they cannot request them in the first place. |
Do printers have to be network/system printers to be used by Alma? | Alma is hosted in a SaaS environment. Due to security concerns and technical limitations, SaaS environments do not support direct connection of local or network printers. Instead, printing in Alma works using email. Each library/institution must define the email addresses of its local printers in Alma, which route staff-oriented, Alma-originating e-mails (including request and transit slips) to the appropriate printer. |
Do printers need individual email address to be used with Alma? | Newer printers have their own built-in email addresses to support cloud computing. If you are using a new printer, therefore, the email address for notifications should be the printer's email address. Older printers do not support direct emailing and will therefore require a print proxy. For information on applications available to manage printer routing, see Technical Requirements for Alma Implementation in the Documentation Center. |
What network access do printers need to be used with Alma? | Alma does not require direct access to printers. Alma will need to be able to send print jobs via email either directly to printers or through a mail-routing proxy. |
What third-party software is recommended to be used to manage Alma print jobs? | There are several applications available to manage printer routing. For example: - MS Outlook printing rules – It is possible to create an email address and link this address to a printer via your MS Outlook printing rules. - Automatic Email Manager (AEM) by Namtuk – For details, see The above are examples only. Any print proxy that meets your institution's needs can be used. Please refer to developers zone articles: Alma listserv may be a good source for additional information. |
Can we use local fields (9XX) to hold data that we do not want to contribute to the Network Zone but would like to display in our local Primo? | Yes, it can. Consortium members decide which range of local 9XX fields will be used as local by institutions and which may be used on records in the Network Zone. A field that will be migrated to one of these fields should be marked by subfield $9 LOCAL in the data provided in migration. This will enable for each institution migrate local data and later catalog their local information in the records that linked to NZ. |
Are local fields in the 09x, 59x, 69x and 9xx that are not tagged with the $9 LOCAL retained in the master record in the NZ for the master record, or are all such fields wiped clean before the record is loaded to the NZ? | They are removed from the master record before loading to NZ. |
Are any 9XX fields reserved for specific uses by Ex Libris or other? | Use of 9XX fields is a consortium decision in determining which fields are used locally by institutions, and which used in the Network Zone. Ex Libris documentation includes the following recommendation:"If local extension fields are provided, it is recommended that local institutions use the range 950-999 for this. Network zone shared records can identify local fields that are not local extensions and are shared/used equally across the network. Leaving the 900-949 range openallows this option." |
Is it possible to track payment for the resources the are negotiated by the Chancellor's Office but the libraries pay for (opt-in databases)? | It should be possible to manage this within Alma, with the following workflow:Configure Network Zone with allocated funds for each libraryCreate POL for shared resource and split the fund allocation accordingly among the purchasing institutions In addition, you might want to look at the workflow that allows central license negotiation with subsequent ordering of e-resources by local institutions. You can find more information in the 'Working with Collaborative Networks in Alma' document, specifically the parts 'Central License Negotiation' and 'Order Electronic Resources Negotiated and Managed in the Network Zone by Member'. You can find the document here:… |
The Sierra exported MARC records' file extension is *.out. Do we need to change/remove this extension when exporting records to Alma during migration? | In Millennium, you can change the file extension from *.out to *.mrc in Data Exchange before exporting. As the files are exported in MARC, changing the extension before export should be sufficient. |
In Sierra, the "SUB FROM" data is in the PAID line fields (which is already planned to come over with the rest of the PAID data in a note field.) Why is SUB FROM also listed as a defined field (vs a note?) on the Field Mapping form? | Migration script expects PO Line subscription start date in 'SUB FROM' field. |
Are hyphens acceptable to use in migrated fields? Or must they be strictly alpha-numeric, no spaces or other characters? | Spaces, hyphens and the like are fine in the codes. However, in most places within Alma, it is the name that displays instead of the code. As such, the code doesn't need to be as descriptive in Alma as it did in Millennium where the code was the main display. Other vendor systems might not like special characters in the code fields when using EOD or EDI. |
In the "Extract Records from Millennium and Sierra (iii) for Migration to Alma" documentation, it states that create list is limited to 25 fields but I'm seeing I can extract 32 fields in Sierra. Do we still have to limit our data extract files to only 25 fields? | Alma can handle more fields, so extract as many fields as you can. |
How would the migration handle the addition of special characters (#,$,%,-, etc) in the telephone number field, as might be used to identify bad or missing numbers? | The migration process will not have a problem with the special characters in a phone number and will bring string into Alma as is. However, these characters might impact "visiting patron" services if the field validation regex in use at an institution does not validate a field using these characters. |
Will an item migrated with a status 'in transit' be understood to be in transit in Alma, such that if the item is subsequently scanned into its home location, the 'in transit' status will be cleared? | in transit' process will migrate into Alma as any other process status in III. The process statuses from III will be mapped into Alma Process type = 'Technical – Migration' in item record. Description of III process migrate into item internal note 3 which is indexed and can be searched. Items with 'Technical – Migration' process type will migrate with base status 'not on shelf'. In order to re-shelve the item operator will need to scan item for return in item's home location. This step will clear out 'Technical – Migration' process type and item base status will be changed to 'on shelf'. |
How will non-OCLC values located in the 035 be treated by Ex Libris during data migration? | Ex Libris confirmed that current default matching algorithm (will be used in a test data load and NZ creation) is only based on OCLC number. Normalization routine checks if 035 prefix is an OCLC number prefix. Records that do not have OCLC number will remain in IZ and not contributed to NZ. |
Regarding the Mapping Form tab for Checkins & Holdings, lines 20-26 and 40-48, are those left blank if our exported bibliographic records do not output summary holdings statements (866s)? | This is optional mapping table and it can be filled in when there is an information in a field embedded in the bibliographic record for holdings statement. Migration programs can generate a holding record (and summary statement) from the field, if present. If there is no such field in the bibliographic data for holdings statement, you do not need to fill in this table. |
Are all electronic resources required to be configured in the Alma KB? Ex: local websites and continuing resources which need to be made available to off-campus users? | Community Zone e-resources are maintained by Ex Libris. E-resources that do not exist in the CZ can be added to Alma as local e-resources. |
Are barcodes a requirement for items that do not circulate? What about institutions using RFID? | There is no need to do any barcode cleanup in preparation for data migration. You may want to take the time to check if all your circulating items have a barcode, however. |
Are there any types of electronic holdings that are not represented in the Alma KB? Ex: Continuing resources, gov docs, local websites, streaming video and sound | The Alma KB (Community Zone) contains the same formats as the SFX KB, with the addition of E-Books. |
Are there resources available in the Alma KB that aren't also currently available in SFX? Is there a resource that touches on what types of e-resources are excluded from the Alma KB, if any? | See "SFX to Alma Migration Guide", page 11 "SFX areas that do not migrate to Alma CZ": Areas/Fields Not In Scope: Active Target services which are TOC/Abstract Inactive Global Targets/Target Services/Portfolios/ObjectsLocal target parsersLocal e-inventory material type |
Can you tell us what are the minimum required data elements in 008 field for Holdings Data in ALMA? | We follow LC standards. Link: character positions (00-31) that contain data elements that provide coded information about the record. The data elements are positionally defined. Each defined character position must contain either a defined code or a fill character (). The fill character is used when no attempt is made to supply a defined code for a specific character position. |
Do all bib records require a 245 entry? | Yes |
Does Alma import both 85x/86x pairs and 866 textual holdings located in a single holdings record? | Predication patterns 85x/86x and summary holdings 866 provided in MARC holdings will be loaded with no changes. Summary holdings can also be generated from the checkins file (if MARC holdings are not provided). |
Does Alma include a link checker to help maintain local e-resources in the Alma KB? | Not at this time. There is an existing enhancement request for Alma UResolver to have a "Report Broken Link" feature, which would simplify broken link reporting via a URL directly in the UResolver screen, from which you would be able to submit broken link reports to the Alma Data Services Team. This functionality is on the Alma development roadmap, but a release data is not yet confirmed. |
Does Alma require serials statements in pure MFHD, or can textual holdings statements also be handled? | Textual summary holdings (866/7/8) are sufficient, however, Ex Libris would like to learn about your current practices and data to provide further recommendations during your campus migration work. |
Does the CZ supply bib records for any and all e-resources it provides? If so, would you recommend taking those over migrating existing e-resource bib records? How are bib records created for targets created by a campus in the Alma KB? | Yes, all CZ portfolios are linked to CZ BIB records. CZ e-resources that were activated in local institution will benefit from automatic updates (changes to coverage, URLs, etc).Not all CZ portfolios may need to be activated. Ex: E books - you may use your local BIB records and local portfolios for E-books. This will be discussed during the migration/analysis meeting.Alma CZ is based on SFX KB. We link SFX BIBs with Alma CZ BIBs on unique identifiers – issn or isbn. |
For all our serial publications, we include links/856s/URLs to the SFX menu, which will be unnecessary in Alma/Primo, but those links are very useful in our current situation. How can we keep them in Sierra, but "lose" them when we migrate our records? | You can remove them in MarcEdit when migrating your records, or in III immediately prior to data export during the final migration. |
How are order records/payments managed for e-resources in Alma? Does the answer depend on whether the e-resource in question is a journal title or package? Whether the resource exists in the Alma KB or is added as a local resource? | Alma has different E-order types (subscription, one time, access) for both e-collections and portfolios. The system gives you an option to select relevant type when you create a new order for an electronic resource (local or CZ). |
How does Alma handle a multi-format resource ex: a resource in both print & microform or print with an accompanying CD? | The answer depends on your circulation policies. If the individual parts are circulated separately or together. If separately, then Alma will need an item for each along with fulfillment notes in the record to prompt for all items to be circulated at the same time. |
How will Alma/Primo handle our MARC 590 fields (local notes)? And what if we have included some local information in other than 59X fields (e.g., we use 541 for gift/giver information)? Implications for migration? | Alma has local notes that allow you to localize information regardless of whether you are using local bibs or bibs linked to records in the network zone. I'd imagine that is where this information should be placed. |
How would a campus manage a database w/o portfolios (a database that does not contain journals) in Alma? | The workflow as follows:(a) Create Bib record describing a database (b) Create local standalone e-collection type "Database" (c) Link e-collection type "Database" to a BIB record and add URL to e-collection level. (d) Results: BIB record will be published to Primo and a link/URL will appear in the ViewIt delivery section. |
If a bib record was "replaced" by enabling a resource in the Alma KB, what happens to the order record? Are order records ever loaded into the NZ? | If a local Institutional e-resource (with order) is linked to the Community Zone (CZ), the order record will also link to CZ and remain in the IZ. Orders are not loaded to the NZ. |
Since Alma KB does not contain MARC bib records for A&I databases, are we supposed to migrate our cataloged OCLC bib records along with our order records for those e-resources? | In this case you should add those records to the P2E as DB records (no fulltext). |
We use BCODE2 fields for limiting by Material Type. These codes do not always correspond to REC TYPE MARC codes. How will this work in Primo? Do we need to address this during data cleanup? | My understanding is that Alma adheres to standard MARC interpretations for fields. You will have an option to map III record fields to "non-default" Alma fields during migration, but if you are using a given MARC field for multiple purposes you might want to disambiguate those prior to migration for sanity reasons. |
When creating a local resource in Alma KB, do we add to KB a local target/portfolios for a group of eBooks, and we are responsible to maintain the links? | Local e-resources require local bib records. Local e-resources do not link to the Community Zone and the customer is responsible for the records maintenance (changes to coverage, URL, etc). |
Will bib records without attached item records create migration problems? | Alma manages electronic resources in its Central Knowledge Base (CKB). Enabling these resources for your institution will create bib records in your local institution for you. Therefore, right now I'd advise you to enable your internet resources in the CKB where you can instead of migrating those bib records. For those resources that aren't in the CKB, I believe that Alma will just create the appropriate records for you if they are missing. |
Please provide examples to clarify the difference between a Database and a Package when exporting P2E records. | A database is a resource that has no portfolios (i.e., no full-text or direct links to journals); in other words, a abstracting and indexing database with no full text. For example, PsycINFO is a database, while PsycINFO with full text is a package. A package that contains a mix of indexing/abstracting and full-text is still a package. |
Should we migrate government document electronic records? | Have you activated these resources in SFX? If yes, these will migrate from SFX. If you have the corresponding bib records in your ILS, be sure to mark these records with the SFX prefix in migration form so that you won't migrate duplicate ILS records. However, if there is a PO line linked to the record, we will retain the ILS bib and will correspondingly suppress it. If you DO want to keep the ILS record for some reason (e.g. enriched), then do not mark them with the SFX prefix, but please note you will see duplicates in Alma. After migration you can link those portfolios to the Community Zone and also keep your local bibliographic data if desired. |
Will there be a problem during migration if bibliographic records for electronic resources do not come in with a provider subfield? | This is not a problem. If provider is not present system will show 'Online' string by default. |
The Field Mapping form indicates that Checkin Record Locations will be used to generate holdings records locations ("use in Alma migration form Location map to get Location and Library based on code"). What happens if checkin record locations do not match with item locations? How do checkin record locations display to the user in Primo? | Location can be taken from item records. If you're going to provide checkin records, we advise to do some cleanup before providing the data. Page 17 of "Millennium and Sierra (III) to Alma Migration Guide" – this demonstrates how holding records are created. Migration will build holdings records from both checkin and items and link items to holdings record when it matches. Note: If you don't want multiple holding records for the same item if the locations don't match, then we advise cleaning up the checkin record data. |
How should we deal with bib records created to house checkin records for monographic series, e.g. a Monographic Series whereby each issue has its own title. When an item arrives that is a part of this series, a new bibliographic record is created for the item and items are attached; but the Checkin Record is updated to indicate that it was received. | Northridge decided to migrate these records but to ensure they would only go into the Institution Zone, we stripped identifiers from them (e.g., OCLC numbers, etc.) so they wouldn't end up in the Network Zone. Because we were using "real" OCLC records for what are more like inventory records, we decided to treat them more like inventory records with skeletal information. |
In Millennium, we have a fixed field value (PCODE2) we use to indicate whether or not a user has signed an TOU agreement to check out equipment from the library. Can this only be migrated as a note? Will there be an option to set this up as a binary element (i.e., Has Signed the Agreement / Hasn't signed the agreement) in the patron record in Alma? | Can migrate as a note. Can be managed as a note or added as statistical category, but not as a binary element. |
Is it possible to set up user statistical categories later? (III Field Mapping Form) | Yes. Related table should be created in Alma manually. Patron loader can be used to populate the user record with statistical category. If there is a data that you want to keep, fill codes in migration mapping table. Stat cats can be created post-migration. |
P2E: How should we deal with single-record approach records (records that have an 85640 | u but also have attached physical items? |
How should we migrate digital bookplate links? Is there a difference in migration strategy for those who have digital bookplate links in item records vs. those that have them in bib records? | Ex Libris will generally migrate these as a print item with a URL in it. May want to modify these records once in Alma depending on how these display in Primo. |
Where do you find your MARC organization code? | |
Renewal Date - we have a variety of renewal dates. Should we leave this field blank? | According to EL, leaving this blank means that they will assign the renewal date either based on renewal date information in the order or migration date + 1 year. |
For Link+ locations we used the Instutional Alma Library code. Is that what's expected? | Yes, use the Alma Library code. If it's left out, at the point of migration, there will be temporary items that are "local" but are owned by another library. If you don't migrate the temp bibs and temp items, they will be orphans. Participation in Link+ will affect this decision. |
We use call number type "0" for all Link+ location codes. Is that what's expected? | Depends on whether the default Call Number type is LC. If they are temp items not displayed to the user, it doesn't really matter. Be sure to mark Link+ Locations as suppressed. |
ItemType Column C-- Should the Alma item description match the III item description or the Alma itemPolicy code? The training video shows it matching the latter. | Alma item Policy code is for exceptions to location-based rules based on itypes. If you have itypes that share the same location but have differeing loan policies, define them here. |
User Stat Categories – is using the III PCODE3 numeric codes for the Alma userStatCategory codes acceptable or are more descriptive codes recommended? How will these codes appear in Alma? Will be see the codes or the descriptions? | Description will be displayed in Alma. Alma migration will repopulate the table in Alma. |
Course Unit - III Branch-- is using the base location codes of the areas that manage and circulate the course reserves expected? | Ex Libris will follow up with more information. |
Course Faculty Code - Course Faculty Codes-- what codes are expected in this tab? | Ex Libris will provide a screenshot. |
(for ACQ migration) How much of the paid history for electronic resources should be migrated? | You can migrate additional paid history as a note; you might want to think about purging order records that are not needed. Consider only retaining the # of years you need for auditing requirements. |
How can we set up community users to be able to log into Primo and view my account (for physically checked out items) but they will not be able to access electronic resources remotely? | Ex Libris has set this up at University of Oregon and Harvard. Entirely possible to make this happen. Define user groups for community users that Primo can map to unaffiliated users to restrict access to content. On-campus users would be able to access resources unless Primo always requires users to login. Can also be set up to work with EZProxy as well. |
Will multiple 85x holdings statements in a bib create multiple holdings records? | Depends on the holding library locations. If the locations were the same it would take the first 850 holding statement. |
Do we need to fill in the Course Unit tab, if we are not migrating course reserves? | No |
Do records just going into the IZ need to have the LOCAL designation to preserve the local extensions? | No; if records are only going to IZ local extensions do not need to be noted. |
How should records with an 856 with provider name information be notated on the Migration form? | Migration will use field and subfield provided in migration form in the line for electronic provider information. |
Do we have to move all $9 LOCAL fields to a 9xx, or just 79x? For example, we have 541 fields that are local, do we need to move them to 941 and mark as Local? | Yes, move to 9xx fields. Ask Tech Services Group to have a best practice for which fields should go to which 9xx fields. |
What should we do with Bound-Withs? | Migration does not required any special procedure for preparing or extracting boundwith. |
During data load, will 850 holding statements located in a given bib record create holding records? Will it create multiple holding records based on format if multiple 850 statements are present? | Answer: if you use to map 850 in migration mapping table and holding library/location are different - separate holding record will be created. |
Can non-OCLC provided reocrds be loaded into the Network Zone for managing resources held by multiple CSU campuses? | Records will not be loaded during migration. Records with linked POLs will be suppressed and loaded to IZ.After migration create Collection in NZ and load records using spread sheet under collection. |
On the checkins and holdings tab of the data mapping form, in the holdings from bib summary statement, what location code should be used for the mandatory value when there is not a single location code for materials described in the Bib Summary Statement | SUMM_LOC_CODE? Yes if SUMM_LOC_SUBF not provided or not found, the Alma Library Code that will be used instead. This code must be present in Column D of the Alma Location tab of the Migration Form. This is the default library code and Alma location code (new Alma codes, as mapped from III in the form) that will be used when cannot be identified based on input data. You can put any code that you can recognize later by retrieval |
As part of the OCLC reclamation process, the OCLC# was put in the 001 and the control number identifier put in the 003. In some instances, the OCLC# with the old prefix (ocl7 or ocm) is also found in the 035; in other instances the records have no 035 or have some other information in the o35. How will this be treated during migration? | Matching: The NZ linking programs use values in the 035 $a and 035 $z fields to determine a match. Note that control field 001 in Alma is reserved for the Alma internal Bib ID (MMSid), so migration processes ensure moving any previously existing 001 content to 035 $a or 035 $z. Numbers in 035: Non-OCoLC. As a rule, the exact string in the 035 $a or 035 $z fields are used for matching. For example: (NhCcYBP)40015704661, (CaOOAMICUS)000026217529,(Gale)ESTCN6838. Exact string matching is done for the above numbers, but not for OCLC numbers which have unique and special prefix handling. |
We have many serial records with no Holdings records. No checkins at all. Is that a problem for migration? | MARC 21 holdings records are not mandatory in III and migration can use MARC holdings file if provided. Holdings file is not mandatory for migration. Other data containing holding information is used - item and/or checkin, bib tags. Alma will create holdings info based on item information. Please check in your test load and verify if the level of detail is ok. |
In the case of serials with Holdings records, the "Extracting Records ... for Migration to Alma" document mentions extracting checkin records as "non-MARC holdings." Please explain what this means. | I assume it is because checkin is not using MARC21 standard fields. |
In preparing local MARC fields for migration do you recommend we follow Orbis Cascade's document "Preparing for Migration of Local Bib Data to Alma Bibliographic Record Extensions"? | Standard list of fields approach is a good one to follow. |
What happens if we miss a resource on P2E? | It migrates as print and will require cleanup |
For government documents, we plan to migrate all of our gov docs that are print + online, and turn on KB for all online resources. Are print + online considered package or portfolio? | Portfolio |
Issue of Acquisitions data and masking data:do we need to worry about confidentiality of price data? | CSU: When sharing credentials for the vanguard, provide statement to all CSU's to ensure understanding that pricing / order data is confidential and not to be shared out or shared with vendors |
How to handle SPC items that are in ASRS, pulled for researchers who come to view materials for the course of several months. | Mark the location as a reading room, move items in and out from this circulation desk. Check out to patron, goes back to 'reading room' status. |
Can normalization rules be shared with other CSUs? | Yes, you can create normalization rules inside the Network Zone and all other CSUs will have access to the normalization rule. |
Match profiles - why we would want to avoid matching on "community zone" records? | When loading vendor files be aware of matching on Community Zone records; can set up match profiles to not match community zone records. |
When are authority records loaded, for those campuses that have local authorities? | Authority records are loaded into Alma post-migration. |
How will MARC field 994s, which contain holdings symbol from OCLC that comes from Connexion be handled? (example field: 994__ C0|bCNO) | There is no functional use or any functional implications related to this field in Alma. |
Should we assign non-circulating locations a Location Types and then use the Exception rule to keep them from circulating? | Those locations still should be assigned location type (mandatory). But, they will get circulation rules based on item policy that will be created according to item exception table and will be assigned non-circulation policies as defined. Some advantages that I can think about right now is that when user gets to Primo item list system displays policy. You may still want to enable digitization requests for item in those locations. There are other places where system checks TOU (terms of use) rules, for example, requestable/non-requestable for resource sharing. |
How do we set up and handle funds that have Deposit amounts that aren’t counted against this fiscal year (i.e., funds were allocated years ago to the vendor but we still use the deposit account)? | In Alma, funds and ledgers are defined per fiscal period and can be used only during that fiscal period. There is a rule under ledger that enables to define grace period that allows the allocated funds to be used before and after the fiscal period for which they are defined. Fund from previous year will be available during this grace period. But, as you do not know how long deposit funds will take to be spent, you may consider to use current fiscal year ledgers and funds for vendors deposit amounts instead off grace period (recommended). At the end of the fiscal year you will rollover remaining transactions to a new fiscal year. You can create separate ledger and funds for vendors deposit amounts with allocated transaction and notes indicating an allocation source. This will also enable you to track transactions per specific vendor, see remaining balances, create reports. |
1. Is Alma configured to accept, manage, index (the titles, in $t, only) these 970 fields and all of its coding? 2. If yes, is this in the IZ or NZ or both? 3. If yes to any of the above, does Primo index and display these 970s, also? We currently have a public display that visually presents these fields in a manner very much like a table of contents page in a book. Retaining that in Alma would be great, and preferable, but not absolutely necessary as long as the data displays in some sort of clear manner. | Alma supports local field 970 and sub-field 't' in IZ and NZ. If the 970 fields come over in the MARC records from Alma (as it sounds as if they will), then yes, the normalization rules can be modified to make these fields both displayable and searchable. |