- Alice Kawakami (Unlicensed)
- Rae Ann Stahl
- Patrick Newell
Tony Gibbons (Ex Libris)
- Audrey Ho (Ex Libris)
- John Larsen (Ex Libris)
Vanguard calendar – specifics regarding deliverables, timeline, etc.
Primo Central provisioning – how do we get started?
Master Timeline questions – discussion of following
Resource sharing configuration – As a system who does not currently do resource sharing amongst ourselves, what does this entail/involve?
Cutover – how much downtime does this entail? What does this process look like generally for a given campus in terms of day-to-day operations?
Go-Live – semester vs. quarter programs require rolling go-live through summer 2017
Shared documents
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
30 mins | Vanguard Calendar | Audrey Ho |
10 mins | Primo Central Provisioning | Tony Gibbons |
20 mins | Master Timeline | Audrey Ho/John Larsen |
Action items
Ex Libris Meeting Notes
01CALS - Pre-Implementation Meeting
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
CalState: Brandon Dudley, David Walker, Alice Kawakami, Rae Ann Stahl, Patrick Newel
Ex Libris: Melissa Hilbert, Audrey Ho, Tony Gibbons, Marina Spivakov, John Larson
1. Vanguard calendar – specifics regarding deliverables, timeline, etc.
o For Alma migration deliverables, a lot depends on which sites are chosen for the vanguard phase. Let's use these three sites as an example: CSU Bakersfield, San Diego State University Library, CSU Chico.
Bakersfield is a Voyager local installation.
The other two institutions are III Millennium.
All 3 are using SFX.
So: all sites need to:
§ Supply data extracts
§ Complete migration forms (the Voyager site will use the autoextract tool to extract data and create migration form; the two Millennium sites will use a III Millennium-specific migration form)
§ Complete P2E (physical-to-electronic) forms
§ Complete Alma configuration forms
Because all are using SFX, they will not need to complete the non_EXL link resolver forms. (However, If you're using say, Serials Solution, you need to fill out the non_EXL link resolver form.)
· Question: should the data be 'sanitized'?
Acq data might be sensitive for general consumption. Action: CALSTATE will discuss and update EXL on how they will want to proceed. John Larson notes: if it is a concern to share your data, then the migrated data will be truly limited if Acq data or patron data is omitted. Data and workflow testing might end up being rather limited. Suggestion: you can set certain user logins to see catalog data and limit their access to sensitive acq/funds data.
o For Primo configuration, all sites will need to fill out:
· A short online questionnaire to give us some initial details about Primo so we can begin provisioning the institutions on the environment (more administrative details)
· A more involved Primo configuration workbook that will ask for input about specific configuration settings to be put in place initially
o For Primo Central configuration, all sites will need to:
· View the training webinar, attend a follow-up Q&A session
· Go through the Primo Central Activation wizard for their institution
o Timeline: snapshot of the draft Alma test load timeline below
2. Primo Central provisioning – how do we get started?
o Early access to Primo Central was agreed upon between EXL and CALSTATE
o CALSTATE expectations:
· EXL question: Are you planning on moving Primo Central to production prior to going into production with Alma-Primo?
Ans: Would like to go into production with Primo Central in late Spring 2016. Once we go live with Alma-Primo, we would fold this into the mix. Expect to do straight api-call from existing discovery to Primo Central.
o CALSTATE: confirms they have reviewed the api documentation on the Developer's Network and will be owning this part of the integration (between Primo Central + 3rd party discovery)
o Next steps, in October Ex Libris (Tony G) will:
· Provision your environment
· Create all the institutions for Calstate (except for San Marcos and Sacramento)
· Register each institution with Primo Central
· Release the URL for Primo Central Activation to each institution
· Release the baseurl for the Primo environment that you will be directing the api calls to
3. Master Timeline questions – discussion of following
o Resource sharing configuration – As a system who does not currently do resource sharing amongst ourselves, what does this entail/involve?
· CALSTATE: More interested in having a unified environment, rather than a resource sharing environment. Do not currently have a CSU-wide resource sharing setup. So will be starting from scratch. Would like to have a conversation within CSU to gauge interest. Also would like to know the impact of configuring resource sharing at CSU level.
· John Larson: if you move forward with this, we recommend:-
§ Consistent terms of use (loan durations etc). Best case: consistent system-wide policy for loan periods. Allows your patrons some level of predictability
§ Consistency with delivery timelines
§ Configure rotas (order in which Alma searches individual libraries for availability) at the network level --> this makes ongoing management much easier
§ Generally, let policy drive configuration and not the other way around. Keep things simple.
§ You can go live without resource sharing and implement it later
· Possibly address this topic at the kickoff? At this point, CALSTATE notes that RS isn't an automatic assumption -- it is compelling but not a primary motivator. It would be good to know more about system-wide RS capabilities. Action: JL will include it as a sub-topic in his section during kickoff
o Cutover – how much downtime does this entail? What does this process look like generally for a given campus in terms of day-to-day operations?
· Duration: Roughly 10-14 days
· Technical Freeze: Once data extraction processes begin, sites will go into Technical Freeze (i.e. cat/acq activities will cease); circ activity continues without interruption
· Primo configuration freeze: takes place during the cutover; this ensures no disruption during this time, and sites have to make sure that all Primo configuration work is complete/acceptable for go-live before the freeze date
· Copy to production: Once data is copied to production, Alma environments are released back to you for data checking.
· Data checking: Rough duration -- a day or two (more if crossing over a holiday) for testing cutover data in Alma. Goal is to ensure all the reported issues discovered during migration have been handled satisfactorily
· Data acceptance via email is required at or before end of data checking period. Note: Once data is accepted, Alma data will be loaded to Primo.
· Fulfillment freeze - sites provide fulfillment files via FTP; all front-desk circ activity ceases; Alma offline circ can be used at this point. Duration: roughly 1-2 days
· Fulfillment files are loaded, sites are asked to check the fulfillment data. Formal acceptance of fulfillment data required via email. Once this is received, sites can go-live with Alma and Primo.
o Go-Live – semester vs. quarter programs require rolling go-live through summer 2017
· Next summer we will talk about finals schedules for each of the campuses
· We can stagger go-live dates based on campus date preferences and sizes (need to load-balance to prevent all the large sites going live on one day)