ULMS Migration Archive : 2015-09-24 Implementation Team Meeting notes

  • Date


  • Alice Kawakami (Unlicensed)

  • Patrick Newell

  • Rae Ann Stahl

  • Audrey Ho (Ex Libris project manager)

  • Tony Gibbons (Ex Libris)

  • Melissa Hilbert (Ex Libris) 

  • Marina Spivakov (Ex Libris)
  • Svetlana Smirnov (Ex Libris Alma consultant)
  • Megan Drake (Ex Libris Alma consultant)
  • Lynn Higgins (Ex Libris Primo)


  • Introduce Ex Libris project team members

  • Vanguard training: can a date be set for this?

  • Online training for Alma in October
    • Guidance to start. Timeline for a training plan?
    • What should Vanguard campuses be doing now/within the next three weeks?
    • Set-up of campus accounts. Would this be through the project managers?
    • Would the accounts be set up by the October 5 kick-off meeting?
  • Kick-off meeting
    • Detailed agenda for the Implementation Team
    • Handouts or background material in advance of the Kick-off

Discussion items

5 minEx Libris project team members introducedAudrey
  • Svetlana Smirnov (Ex Libris Alma consultant)
  • Megan Drake (Ex Libris Alma consultant)
  • Lynn Higgins (Ex Libris Primo)
15 Vanguard training Audrey
  • Alma webinar training series can begin in October. Vanguard project managers will be in weekly conference calls with the I-Team and ExL beginning October 14.There will be a topic for each meeting and the campus team member best suited to the topic should also join that week's call.
  • Training webinars should be viewed before hand, Q and A is built into the project call time. By the Monday before the call, the webinar should be viewed and salient questions posted to Basecamp. Audrey will get the schedule of topics in place.
  • Patrick asked if the calls could be recorded so that others may listen to increase communication. ExL could record, but not archive. CSU would archive.
 15What should vanguard campuses be doing now Tony
  • Review data cleanup
  • Will there be a systemwide reauthorization project? If so it should be prior to test load in December. ExL needs to know the bigger picture for the consortium. Should this be a subtopic at the kick-off? Alice will take the issue to Brandon when he returns on Monday. The I-Team can discuss at September 30 conference call.
  • Tony asked for the vanguard campus contact for data extraction. Alice will query the project managers.
 15 Set-up of campus accounts Audrey, Tony
  • Learning Center: accounts are set up at the institutional level using project managers
  • Documentation Center: everyone using SFX has access, ExL will open up the appropriate file access for Alma.. Accounts are institutional level, individuals set up their own account.
  • Institutional leads will e the contact for the rest of the library
  • Vanguard campus accounts will be active by October 5. Other institutions may not be.
 10 Kick-off meeting Audrey
  •  The agenda is the same as stated previously. There is no further detail.
  • Audrey will supply links to documents for those who wish to read in advance of the kick-off

Action items


01CALS - Pre-Implementation Meeting

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


CalState: Brandon Dudley, David Walker, Alice Kawakami, Rae Ann Stahl, Patrick Newel

Ex Libris: Melissa Hilbert, Audrey Ho, Tony Gibbons, Marina Spivakov, John Larson, Svetlana Smirnov, Megan Drake, Lynn Higgins


Ex Libris project team members

•Lynn H (Primo consultant) à Boston

•Svetlana S (Alma consultant) à Toronto

•Megan D (Alma consultant) à Portland, OR

•Audrey H (project manager) à Chicago

Note: All of us (except for Lynn) will be onsite for the kickoff on Oct 5

Vanguard training: can a date be set for this?

•Training will be scheduled out over the course of the pre-implementation phase

•The plan is to have weekly project calls starting Wednesday Oct 14

•The hour-long project calls will generally be structured so:

10-20 mins project-level discussions - durations will shift depending on topic complexity

Remaining call time will be devoted to a functional topic review led by an EXL consultant (roughly 30-45 mins of review + Q&A)

•CALSTATE: intense interest from membership on these functional areas, would it be possible to record these calls? EXL: Yes. However due to recording space constraints, we propose that CALSTATE archive the functional review recordings internally for downstream reference

Intended audience: Patrick asked a question on 'intended audience' for these project calls. Is the expectation that everyone at each institution would need to attend every week? Each institution would have several people (project manager, systems lead, discovery lead, fulfillment lead, etc) involved in the implementation. Audrey agreed that these calls need to be tightly scoped and clearly defined in advance. We will build out the training plan in advance for everyone to see on Basecamp. In terms of who should attend, it would be the project lead/manager for the institution, plus other functional area stakeholders for that particular week. E.g. We have penciled in a review on Resource Management Work Orders in week 6. The expectation is that the project manager would attend, along with the institution's functional area lead. Since topics are announced in advance, the expectation is that the webinars will be viewed prior to the call, hands-on practice is encouraged in the sandbox, and questions sent in to the project team in advance of the meeting so that the review becomes a more focused session.

Action: Alice to float the weekly call time around to the project managers to get agreement on the time slot DONE - all are available for this time slot.

Action: Tony to send cancellation notice for this series and Audrey will send a new invite once the time slot is confirmed


Online training for Alma in October

o   Guidance to start. Timeline for a training plan?

Topic is handled above. Timeline will be available on Basecamp.

Action: Audrey to send basecamp invites out to all


o   What should Vanguard campuses be doing now/within the next three weeks?

Tony shared with Brandon the data-clean-up document. This was shared with everyone. So this is something to be considered. Reviewing it with your data would be a good thing to do. E.g. purging expired patrons etc.

Authority control:

•Patrick: what are ExL’s plans for authority control? Does it make sense for us to start authority control before we load our records? Tony: doing a complete reauthorization of everything should be done prior to beginning of test load as we want to reduce the risk of the data changing significantly between test load and go-live.

•Follow-on question to CALSTATE: once all the bibs are loaded, is the plan to do a complete re-authorization? CALSTATE agreed that this needs to be followed-up with Brandon and David. Action: Alice will bring this up with Brandon on Monday and determine the overall CALSTATE position.

•Tony brought up another point: once we move to a NZ-based catalog, it becomes important to keep things consistent. We recommend to defer this work, rather than do it ahead of time as there is a need to take into consideration the entire consortium, rather than act as a single institution. Note: we will cover this topic at the kickoff upon further guidance from CALSTATE leadership

Data extraction:

•Who will be doing the data extracts at each vanguard institution? Once these individuals are identified, Tony will do a walk-through of the data extract process in a separate meeting.

Action: Alice to send Audrey the individuals at each vanguard institution who will be responsible for the data extracts.  DONE.

Action: Audrey to organize a call with Tony & the relevant individuals to review the process end-to-end


o   Set-up of campus accounts. Would this be through the project managers?

There are three components here:

                          i.            Learning Center –

§   Chancellor’s office should have access to this

§   3 vanguard institutions – request for access is already in the works

§   Remaining institutions – will be handled after the vanguards

Note: Learning Center accounts are provisioned at the institution-level. The credentials are then shared amongst members of that institution. UPDATE: This has been done for the Vanguard institutions. Carol Keyes reached out to the leads 9/24/15.

                        ii.            Documentation Center

§   Everyone who has SFX already has access to the Doc Center; we will request to open up the Primo and Alma folders to these institutions

§   Documentation Center access will be granted to institutions who do not have it yet 

                       iii.            Salesforce


Action: These are all on our radar to be set-up, and yes, our initial contact will be through the institution leads (project managers). Tony Gibbons will take ownership of these tasks, and we will provide an update at or before the onsite meeting.


o   Would the accounts be set up by the October 5 kick-off meeting?

Vanguard institutions will be set-up by October 5 at minimum

Remaining institutions will be set-up shortly after

Action: We will provide an update as we make progress on these account provisioning activities



Kick-off meeting

o   Detailed agenda for the Implementation Team

Note: the only change noted below is the addition of a resource-sharing overview during the Solution Overview section.






Owner(s) – EXL only


Opening remarks from Ex Libris and CalState

Brief organizational overview from each

Presentation by CalState of major project objectives

30 min




Introductions of core project team members and team structures at CalState and Ex Libris

Presentation by Ex Libris of main project roles and responsibilities

30 min



Project Overview

Presentation by Ex Libris of overall project approach, major milestones, and timeline

90 min

11am – 12:30pm







Solution Overview

High level presentation of Alma and Primo

Including Network Zone concepts,

CalState Alma/Primo architecture,

Overview of RS workflows & concepts

120 min


John, Marina

Communication & Documentation

Presentation by Ex Libris of communication and documentation platforms and communication schedule

30 min



Next Steps

Review action items and next steps in project

30 min





o   Handouts or background material in advance of the Kick-off

Action: We can send the presentation files ahead of time. No printouts are needed. Audrey will take the action to collate and email our slide decks by EOB Thursday Oct 1.

Action: Audrey will send a set of useful-to-read-beforehand doc to Alice and team to be distributed to interested parties for review prior to Oct 5 meeting