Ex Libris has gone through about half of them, starting with the libraries using Voyager.
Voyager forms needed to be completed before the auto-extract script can be run.
Strike averted, allowing us to spend the whole week on this.
Decisions to COLD
Brandon putting together list of decisions to make by COLD at the April COLD meeting.
Getting background information from Ex Libris; should get response today.
Expect email from Brandon on this in the next couple of days.
Part of this includes training.
Dematic update
Northridge appears to be moving forward slowly with purchasing an upgrade of ASRS software.
Other campuses facing smaller costs for smaller upgrade.
InnReach API
Brandon has put Ex Libris in touch with Innovative to discuss integration between InnReach and Alma using the API.
This is not on Ex Libris' timeline yet, however.
Early implementation will require the DCB box in the short-term anyway.
San Jose and likely some other campuses will want to stay on Link+ and Circuit.
Would it be possible to consider resource sharing with Orbis Cascade? May require considerable work.
Configuration form webinar
Rae Ann
Cal State webinars scheduled for April 21st and 27th. Lauren suggested the follow-up Q&A session.
Will rely on Sarina a fair amount, especially on various location, patron, and other types, focusing on the difference between how these things are handled in Innovative.
Rae Ann will present on printing
Lauren will focus on work orders and resource management
Maria will focus on item policies.
Will get into more detail about how to manage this.
Likely Megan will be conducting these serssions during the Ex Libris webinars
Feedback from Fresno meeting rolling in.
Interest in webinar for MARC for non-catalogers; Luiz interested in leading this.
Meeting together in-person was deemed very important, would like to do it again during data testing.
Regional meetings are also valued: San Jose is a good spot in the north. Fullerton and Dominguez Hills are possible spots in the south. Overall size and the need for break-out space makes this a little more complex.
Systems project update
Asked about value of minutes; not a lot of enthusiasm from among the group.
Shibboleth and PeopleSoft data load projects moving forward.
Xerxes and Primo central webinars completed, work there progressing.
Workflow project update
Currently nailing down workflows around YBP.
Starting to focus on other workflows, especially those that require the most work.
Sacramento re-design of workflows moving along.
E-Resource project update
Still waiting for the auto-populated form for Chancellor's Office resources. Should be available this Friday.
Putting together documents for the ERM taskforce. Group has been on hold during ER&L.
Ex Libris has asked for volunteers among the libraries using SerSol ERM to co-develop a migration script. SLO and possible San Diego are interested. Humboldt is less
Data projects
Questions about data mapping and P2E forms have died-down.
Will have an annotated configuration form out by the end of this week.
Vanguard libraries are making significant changes to those, and so
Should we send this out before or after the webinar?