CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
1. Action items:
o Bakersfield: Problem with logging onto FTP server to download new autoextract -- EXL will check and respond directly to PM
2. Update on last week's action items
· Action: if you're not receiving SF case updates, please notify Audrey asap (RECHECK)
o Tim Strawn not getting notifications from SF (NEED TO CHECK THIS)
· Action: if you decide to deliver data files early, please notify Audrey and Brandon via email that files are on FTP and in your institution folder (IN PROGRESS)
· Action: EXL will provide Alma config forms to each institution via a Alma configuration case; please use this case to ask questions/make clarifications on Alma config forms - cases will be created by EXL (DONE)
· Test load status (as of EOB 4/12)
4. What's next
a. Continue finalizing test load inputs
b. Deadline: finalize all migration inputs by Wed Apr 13
c. Deadline: full data on FTP by Fri Apr 15
d. Once migration forms are finalized, we will send each institution their Alma configuration form (targeted for Friday April 22nd)