Test load status as of 4/28/16:
2. Alma-side next steps: post Alma configuration discussion
Please work on a draft configuration form and submit as an attachment to your Alma configuration case. As with the migration cases, please add a comment to indicate that your draft is attached and ready for review.
For the next few weeks, we will include a recurring agenda item during our project calls to discuss Alma configuration questions. Please also feel free to post questions to basecamp.
Key dates are below:
3. Primo-side next steps:
As mentioned in the meeting, I have included the link to the Primo initial configuration questionnaire here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y5vjqtL17KOQ92idvSkNrsB6B0ks5REEtX2NsbtwbU8/viewform?c=0&w=1. Please fill this out by May 23rd.
We also request that San Marcos and Sacramento fill out this questionnaire so that we have the most current information in hand when we replicate your existing Primo configurations in the CALSTATE Primo environment.