CALSTATE weekly project call
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
1. Alma configuration form status -- target date to finalize migration forms today
2. Primo configuration form survey status -- waiting for responses from 4 more campuses
3. Test load status:
a. Delayed - Jun 3 originally, now Jun 9
b. 5 institutions have been released to us for checks today
4. Problems with logging into sandboxes
a. Please check Brandon's email from last week on those sandbox logins
5. Alma Certification update
a. Every June sign-up should be receiving an email about Alma certification in June on Thursday 5/26
b. July cycle deadline is in late June
c. Need to confirm the time zone of the certification sessions - ACTION: Mike/Tim will send to Audrey what was received (We're discussing)
d. ACTION: David will share sign-up spreadsheet with Audrey (RECEIVED)
6. CALSTATE cutover planning - in progress. (go-live dates in June have been sent to migration team for review/acceptance). Note: Brandon is waiting for migration team feedback on these dates before discussing what go-live will look like with the campuses; also working with a couple of deans on some scheduling questions
7. Alma configuration -- cutover impact:
What’s retained at cutover:
o Internal user records with type of “Staff” (manually added to Alma) & their roles
o User roles manually added to migrated External & Internal user records with type of “Public”
o Libraries & Locations codes
o Vendors & Vendor Accounts
o All configuration
All data will be dropped and reloaded.
Kept upon customer request (otherwise deleted and reloaded):
o Courses
o Reading Lists
o Licenses
8. Other topics:
a. Functional workshop in August: please stay tuned for more details in the next week re: who ought to attend