CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

 1.  Test Load status:


 ·    5 Remaining institutions to be delivered + 1 Network Zone

 ·    Questions on the information contained in the delivery emails? Initial impressions?

 o     Instructions on how to toggle external users to internal users - basecamp link

 o     You can also create internal users in Alma for staff

 o     Q: Read-only role -- does it exist? There is not a full read-only role for every area.

 o     ACTION: Audrey to confirm when Sac State and San Marcos will be copied over





 2.  Primo status (Lynn)

 o     Working on adding EBSCO and IPs from questionnaire

 o     Syndetics being added to norm rules, all other norm rule changes requested have been added but are being tested

 o     Will delete data and indexes from vanguards next week after - Lynn will post a message on basecamp prior to this

 o     Load full data shortly thereafter

 o     Nothing needs to be done with Primo Central except to update the holdings file for Alma

 o     San Marcos and Sacramento configuration migration continues (manually) - will be moving over label settings, css, digital repositories, html files

 o     Primo handoff in July - this will be on the old UI with hints of new UI. We may schedule another handoff after August general release




 3.  Upcoming activities:


a.        June 16, Alma functional call this Thursday

b.        June 21, 9:30 – 11:30am Pacific – Operational Reports

c.        June 27, 10am – noon Pacific – Introduction to Analytics

(Note: There is a webinar on the knowledge center that you may wish to review prior to next week's sessions:



 4.  Others:

ACTION ITEM: Laura Krier will send link to Alma UX group to Brandon to share amongst other CSUs

