CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

 1.        Sacramento State and San Marcos - status

 a.        Middle of next week is the new ETA due to linking issues


 2.        Migration statistics - status

 a.        7 have been uploaded to the FTP server and we will begin distributing to the campus project teams

 b.       Expect all migration stats to be available by end of next week


 3.        Test load questions

 a.        Missing data or questions about data - please open new SF ticket; report one issue per ticket

                                        i.             Alma product --> all Alma-related issues

                                      ii.             Alma data services --> CZ problem reporting

 b.       Basecamp access --> how to disseminate key information internally within each campus? What's the appropriate approach here? Is this the role of the PM to disseminate this information? Or should we open up Basecamp to a larger audience?

Current approach: Brandon will consolidate the information posted on basecamp and move those to Confluence, which reaches a much wider audience. In terms of what gets posted on Confluence, Brandon will curate the 'answered' questions/answers on basecamp and move those over. The goal is to create more of an FAQ type of site.

ACTION ITEM: CSU will discuss this topic at the next project managers call and propose some guidelines

 c.        Laura from Sonoma -- Is the Early American Imprints collection in the CZ? ACTION ITEM: EXL will check

Note: if you do not find a specific collection in the CZ, please log a case requesting it


 d.       Alma configuration will be opened once the project team gets formal notification that the campus(s) have passed certification


 4.        Upcoming activities:

 o     Alma functional call this week on electronic resources - JUN 30 (Thursday)

 o     Introduction to Analytics webinar - JUL 6 (Wednesday)

 o     First look at Primo - JUL 15 (Friday)

 ·          Note: After the new UI is released, we'll plan on doing another handoff introducing the new UI

 ·          This is a general overview of Primo, anyone who is interested or who will be working in Primo is more than welcome to join

 ·          Heads-up to the Vanguard institutions -- we have deleted old data in Primo and are publishing out data from all campuses to Primo within the next week



Note: Dolph will be leading these project calls starting July.