CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
1. Sacramento State and San Marcos - status
a. Dolph checking with Migration to confirm delivery date and check status of previously reported linking issues
2. Migration statistics - status
a. 7 have been uploaded to the FTP server and we have begun distributing to the campus project teams
b. Expect all migration stats to be available by end of this week
3. Test load questions
a. Missing data or questions about data - please open new SF ticket; report one issue per ticket
i. Alma product --> all Alma-related issues
ii. Alma data services --> CZ problem reporting
b. Basecamp guidelines (discussion last week) - any update from CSU re discussions?
i. Brandon has an FAQ in progress which will be on Confluence
3. Alma configuration being opened, based on formal notification that campuses have passed certification.
List of CSU sites with staff certified so far:
Institution Name | Project Manager | Project Manager Email | Institution Code | Certified? |
Bakersfield | Amanda Grombly | 01CALS_UBA | x | |
Channel Islands | Stephen Stratton | 01CALS_UCI |
| |
Chico | Jodi Shepherd | 01CALS_CHI | x | |
Dominguez Hills | Tom Philo | 01CALS_UDH | x | |
East Bay | Lisa Nguyen | 01CALS_UHL | x | |
Fresno | Maria Pena | 01CALS_UFR | x | |
Fullerton | Anthony Davis Jr. | 01CALS_FUL | x | |
Humboldt | Jeremy C. Shellhase | 01CALS_HUL |
| |
Long Beach | Tracey Mayfield | 01CALS_ULB | x | |
Los Angeles | Mark Braden | 01CALS_ULA | x | |
Maritime | Mark Stackpole | 01CALS_MAL | x | |
Monterey Bay | Kathlene Hanson | 01CALS_UMB | x | |
Moss Landing | Katie Lage | 01CALS_MLM |
| |
Northridge | Lauren Magnuson | 01CALS_UNO | x | |
Pomona | Yvonne Zhang | 01CALS_PUP | x | |
Sacramento |
| --01CALS_USL |
San Bernardino | Eva Sorrell | 01CALS_USB | x | |
San Diego | Mark Figueroa | 01CALS_SDL | x | |
San Francisco | Ya Wang / Thoreau Lovell | 01CALS_SFR | x | |
San Jose | Rae Ann Stahl | 01CALS_SJO | x | |
San Luis Obispo | Tim Strawn / Mike Price | 01CALS_PSU | x | |
San Marcos | Ian Chan | --01CALS_USM |
| |
Sonoma | Laura Krier | 01CALS_SOL | x | |
Stanislaus | Annie Hor | 01CALS_UST |
| |
Network Zone | Brandon Dudley |
4. Upcoming activities:
o Alma functional call this week on Acquisitions - JUL 7 (Thursday)
o Alma functional call next week on Fulfillment topics (Course Reserves, Booking, Digitization) - JUL 14 (Thu)
o First look at Primo - JUL 15 (Friday)
· After Primo First Look session, we will distribute Primo Workbook #2 for you to fill out
· Some decisions will be institution-specific; some will need advice from the Working Group
· Note: After the new UI is released, we'll plan on doing another handoff introducing the new UI
· This is a general overview of Primo, anyone who is interested or who will be working in Primo is more than welcome to join
· Heads-up to the Vanguard institutions -- we have deleted old data in Primo and are publishing out data from all campuses to Primo within the next week