Functional Call – August 18, 2016
- Resource Management
- OCLC – External Search Profile
External Search profile – WorldCat (OCLC) – need to be defined in IZ and NZ. NZ – requires shared credentials.
- OCLC Connexion –
NZ existing record update from Connexion – use in the connection gateway NZ institution code 01CALS_ NETWORK and setup Connexion integration profile in Alma NZ.
- OCLC Synchronization
If process is going to be used in Alma – after go live 'baseline' publishing is required to be running once in order to start incremental publishing from Alma.
- Shared catalog quality and linking IZ records to NZ
How NZ was created?
- OCLC identifier with prefix
- Shared electronic resources and duplicate activations in IZ
- Multi-matches analysis
AI: place plan notes in BC
- Q: Some vanguard institutions' bib data was found not to have been wiped out at the real first test load. Will that data truly be cleanly loaded at cutover? A: Migration is designed to wipe out bib data and reload it fresh. If this happened for some records in vanguard, it should not have.
AI: Please log a case with examples.
- Alma – electronic resources and link resolver
- NZ shared resources known issues (reported to development):
- linking params not passing to open url (check when will be fixed)
- available for groups in collection search from IZ in the NZ not display (Q1 2017)
- proxy for NZ services doesn't work from Alma
- discrepancies in number of portfolios in Alma and SFX –
- On environment in implementation synchronization job "Synchronize Changes from CZ" is not running. Data remains static to the moment of migration from SFX. Every Sunday KB updates reflected into Alma CZ.
AI: list all electronic resources issues/questions – Ex Libris/CalState
- Fulfillment
- Q: is it possible to add fine/fee types in Alma?
A: It is possible to activate/deactivate fine/fee type from a hardcoded list of values.
- Q: if item is on Hold Shelf and is scanned repeatedly, is the user e-mailed repeatedly?
A: yes, letter is sent each time item barcode is scanned in.
- Resource Sharing
- Q: what is the default expiry date for lending requests?
A: Request Expiry – Configure when the partner's lending settings expire. Choose from the following:
- No expiry: The request does not expire
- Expire by interest date: The request expires on the date specified in the Needed by field on the Resource Sharing Borrowing Request page (displayed when creating a borrowing request).
- Expiry time: The Expiry time field appears, where you enter a number. This value indicates the number of days after the request has been sent to the lender that the request expires.
- Q: what is the workflow like if a RS request needs to be recalled? A: Configuration:
Set on IZ level
rs_prefer_recall_method | Set to True to recall a shipped item first if a requested resource has copies that were shipped to a remote borrower and copies loaned to local patrons. For this function to work, the relevant workflow profile must also include the Recall item action. |
Fulfillment Configuration Menu – General
RS – TOU – Lending
RS Recall period – time for borrowing side to return the material
Set on the NZ level:
Borrowing Workflow
Recalled by partner | The request can be recalled by the partner |
Items that have been shipped may be automatically recalled if the recall function has been enabled in the workflow profile. Alma will automatically send a recall messages to the borrower institution when the shipped item is requested.
The workflow is similar to regular recall workflow. Loan will be recalled and patron notified.
- User management
- Christina (CSUCI) requests a discussion with other institutions about user role management.
- Action item: ExL and/or CSU to facilitate discussion and idea-sharing on internal best practices for role administration
- New user – can be created with roles from template.
- Think of a level of access – functional area, limited, extended, manager/administrator role, do you need restrict users by library (when relevant).
- Cataloging – do you need level in cataloging record? Can user delete record?
- Course Reserves
Q: Why does "Physical version temporarily at" show when the item is actually on its permanent location? Item was created by "Add Brief" on a reading list. A: open a case