CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 | 11:00 AM
I. ExL team availability
Welcome Laurie Welling!
Svetlana out of office until Tuesday, Sep 6
ExL offices closed for Labor Day
I. Primo status
Primo BE update / status (Lynn)
Not caused by Aug release; process of configuration was at fault
Logins to Primo Back Office restored; please re-test
API access being worked on now
New Primo UI as blank page (Fullerton) – seen in other institutions as well; added to
existing case for troubleshooting
Check-in about interface / workbook questions
Thank you for submitting your workbooks! Questions / comments?
Initially-configured Primo front ends and back office access to be delivered by Lynn & Jim
Oct 14
Q: sites cannot make BO changes until Oct 14? A: correct, to give Lynn & Jim
clean access to set up changes per workbooks without stepping on your work.
Primo functional calls in October (see Basecamp to-do list: Primo (Training for Primo
administrators) - Oct 2016)
Thursdays Oct 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 1pm Pacific
Lynn and Jim will alternate leading the calls.
Calls will begin with a review of your submitted questions and then move to an open Q&A as
time allows.
I. Alma status
Data checking: Questions or cases to highlight?
Workshop feedback gathering in progress; planning January (tentative for week of Jan 9th)
Resource Sharing Governance Task Force
Regular biweekly meetings started Aug 26
Next meeting: Sep 9 (topic: testing RS)
Sample rota now set up for Sonoma, San Jose, and Fullerton
Action item: Svetlana & Megan adding Cal Poly SLO to sample rota and testing
Reminder: meetings become weekly for the month of October
Alma next phase of calls
Advanced functional topics, including your requests & suggestions
Building on workshop coverage and project timeline
May be informed by training videos and other doc, but not necessarily a direct review
of training sessions.
Action item: Topics list being
Chat transcript
[8/31/2016 12:58 PM] Dolph Chaney:
Hi everyone - just getting screen ready to share and waiting for more participants.
[8/31/2016 1:02 PM] Tim Strawn:
Primo Update Question: RE: October 14: just need to clarify that before that date we will not be able to make
changes in Primo?
[8/31/2016 1:04 PM] SFSU Cathy and Thoreau:
[8/31/2016 1:04 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:
[8/31/2016 1:04 PM] Ian Chan:
[8/31/2016 1:06 PM] Meet the Fullertons:
we are having issues with new primo. It is just a blank page when we log in this morning.
[8/31/2016 1:07 PM] Tim Strawn:
Thank you. Understood
OK Super clarification
[8/31/2016 1:10 PM] Tim Strawn:
Brandon: Are you sending out calendar appointments for these calls?
If not I will do locally.
Thanks Dolph that is helpful
[8/31/2016 1:12 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
@Lynn Sacramento is also experiencing the blank page with the new UI
[8/31/2016 1:12 PM] Meet the Fullertons:
we should still submit questions to brandon, yes?
[8/31/2016 1:12 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
Thank you
[8/31/2016 1:13 PM] Amanda - CSUB:
Bakersfield's new UI is blank and the old one is also very wonky
[8/31/2016 1:13 PM] Meet the Fullertons:
prior to the functional call we mean
[8/31/2016 1:14 PM] Holly (LA):
LA is getting the blank page as well.
[8/31/2016 1:14 PM] Amanda - CSUB:
[8/31/2016 1:14 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
I have the first Primo functional call invite from Brandon, but not the remaining.
Will those be scheduled as well?
You might not have the latest participant list because the server is down.
Your connection to the IM conversation has been lost. Lync will attempt to rejoin as soon as possible. 1:16 PM
The participant list is now current.
Your connection to the IM conversation has been restored. Messages sent by other contacts while you were not in
the conversation will not appear. 1:16 PM
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Tim Strawn:
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Lauren (CSUN):
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Via telephone, I hear Dolph
I see Dolph's presentation
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Kathlene:
[8/31/2016 1:16 PM] Ian Chan:
yes, it's working
[8/31/2016 1:17 PM] Holly (LA):
Can't see the agenda, but can hear you
[8/31/2016 1:17 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
I can hear but can't see the agenda either
[8/31/2016 1:18 PM] Eva Sorrell:
I don't see agenda either
[8/31/2016 1:18 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
[8/31/2016 1:18 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:
[8/31/2016 1:18 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Dolph's presentation cleared and now has returned to my window
[8/31/2016 1:18 PM] Eva Sorrell:
[8/31/2016 1:21 PM] Tim Strawn:
CP-SLO looking forward to this testing
[8/31/2016 1:22 PM] Tim Strawn:
May be pushing this but: Will there be Primo/user side testing as part of resource sharing testing?
[8/31/2016 1:24 PM] Tim Strawn:
Friday afternoons? That's insane...
OK Cool for resource sharing
[8/31/2016 1:25 PM] Maritime:
I am not only have a blank screen, but on the old Primo interface I cannot even log in...
[8/31/2016 1:25 PM] Tim Strawn:
NOT cool for Friday afternoons
It's us not you
[8/31/2016 1:28 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:
not from me
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] Kathlene:
thanks, bye
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] Brandon:
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
thanks dolph
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Many thanks, Dolph and All.
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] Ian Chan:
thanks Dolph!
[8/31/2016 1:29 PM] SFSU Cathy and Thoreau:
Thanks and welcome Laurie.