CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
11:00 AM
I. Primo status
Check-in about interface / workbook questions
Thank you for submitting your workbooks! Questions / comments?
Initially-configured Primo front ends and back office access to be delivered by Lynn & Jim
Oct 14
Primo functional calls in October (see Basecamp to-do list: Primo (Training for Primo
administrators) - Oct 2016)
Thursdays Oct 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 1pm Pacific
Lynn and Jim will alternate leading the calls.
Calls will begin with a review of your submitted questions and then move to an open Q&A as
time allows.
I. Alma status
Data checking: Questions or cases to highlight?
Resource Sharing Governance Task Force
Next meeting: Sep 23
Sample rota now set up for Sonoma, San Jose, Fullerton, Cal Poly SLO, and Fresno (new)
Reminder: Friday meetings become weekly for the month of October
Alma advanced functional calls to start Thu
Topic for Sep 15 -- Advanced search
Advanced functional topics, including your requests & suggestions
Building on workshop coverage and project timeline
May be informed by training videos and other doc, but not necessarily a direct review
of training sessions.
Call access details
Alma advanced functional calls (to-do list)
Date: Every Thursday, from Thursday, September 15, 2016
Time: 9:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 255 193 149
Meeting Password: California
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866- 6680721 (US)
Call-in number: 1-845- 9770098 (US)
Conference Code: 547 370 8445
Chat transcript
[9/14/2016 12:59 PM] A Hor:
[9/14/2016 1:00 PM]
loud and clear
[9/14/2016 1:09 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
We are seeing slips come through that I think are related to resource sharing.
I’m assuming you’re testing?
So if it says “Ship material” it’s probably coming from that?
[9/14/2016 1:10 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
I was a little confused about the 360 RM stuff: are we talking about CSU instance or individual campus'
[9/14/2016 1:10 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
Thanks, Christina, I was confused about that too!
[9/14/2016 1:10 PM] Megan Drake:
We placed a few test requests into each institution to make sure that all was working as expected.
[9/14/2016 1:11 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
Haa thought that was just me'
[9/14/2016 1:11 PM] Megan Drake:
You can feel free to move them through the workflow like I demoed on the Friday call so you can play
around with the functionality. :)
[9/14/2016 1:11 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
Wait, I dont’ think the question from CSUCI got answered.
[9/14/2016 1:11 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
No it didn't.
[9/14/2016 1:12 PM] Tim Strawn:
RM360 discussion/testing is now focusing on just that - how to accomodate campus licensing AND system shared
[9/14/2016 1:13 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
What is RM360? Is this something only some campuses use?
[9/14/2016 1:14 PM] Brandon:
yes only SLO and SDSU
it’s a serials solutions product
[9/14/2016 1:15 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
Thank you.
[9/14/2016 1:15 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
Ok. Thanks Tim.
[9/14/2016 1:16 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
I feel like I’m full of dumb questions today, but what is the webinar that’s scheduled for today at 1?
[9/14/2016 1:16 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
Thx Dolph
[9/14/2016 1:16 PM] Stratton, Stephen:
I was wondering also
[9/14/2016 1:17 PM] Brandon:
Laura - That’s a webinar that Sarina and Mallory are leading
[9/14/2016 1:17 PM] Mark and Brian - SDSU:
what time are the Primo trainings on Thursdays in October.
[9/14/2016 1:18 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
There are so many webinars and meetings I’m finding it hard to keep track! These will be recorded?
[9/14/2016 1:18 PM] Tim Strawn:
Let me clarify: RM360 is Proquest, but as part of hte effort to merge ExL and Proquest Knowledgebase, and all ERM
functionality, this little effort will eventually have a positive impact on ERM within Alma
[9/14/2016 1:18 PM] SFSU:
1pm primo trainings
[9/14/2016 1:18 PM] Sarina Sinick - CO:
Laura - yes they will be recorded and we’ll send out an email with the links afterwards
[9/14/2016 1:18 PM] Mark and Brian - SDSU:
[9/14/2016 1:20 PM] Brandon:
Thanks everyone!
[9/14/2016 1:20 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
Thx Dolph & Lynn.
[9/14/2016 1:20 PM]
Thank you, Dolph and everyone.
[9/14/2016 1:20 PM] Ian Chan:
thank you
[9/14/2016 1:20 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
I'd like to jump back to Primo - it appears that our 2 digital repositories are not being pulled into Primo?
should I file a case for Sacramento
[9/14/2016 1:21 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
yes, thank you