CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

11:00 AM



I. Staff availability

 Sep 29-Oct 4: Dolph on vacation (contact project team with normal issues and Brandon for


 Oct 10: Thanksgiving (Canada) / Columbus Day holiday

o Ex Libris is open (including Support for live issues) but much NA staff is on holiday.

II. Primo status

 Check-in about interface / workbook questions

 Thank you for submitting your workbooks!  Questions / comments?

 Initially-configured Primo front ends and back office access to be delivered Oct 14

 Scopes (pre-customized) are back in place; data should show as normal from Primo searches.

 Customizations on the new UI are rolling out and should be available tomorrow (Sep 29).

 Files for both old UI and new UI will be downloadable (instructions coming).

 Primo functional calls start next week! (Thursdays Oct 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 1pm Pacific)

(see Basecamp to-do list: Primo (Training for Primo administrators) - Oct 2016)

 Training material to review for Oct 6 call

 Watch "01 Primo Back Office Overview" (17 min.)

 01 Primo Back Office Overview

 Watch "02 Primo Administrative Structure" (7 min.)

 02 Primo Administrative Structure

 Watch "Alma and Primo Interoperability" trainings (29 min total)

 Alma and Primo Interoperability Part I - Duration: 18 min

 Topics 

 Alma as a Data Source (Publishing)

 Delivery

 RTA (Real Time Availability)

 My Account

 Target Audience

 Implementation team, Functional area leads, Trainers

 Prerequisites

 Introduction to Alma

 Alma and Primo Interoperability Part II - Duration: 11 min

 Topics

 Services Page

 Journal A-Z List

 Authentication

 Target Audience 

 Implementation team, Functional area leads, Trainers

 Prerequisites

 Introduction to Alma; Alma and Primo Interoperability Part I

 Calls will begin with a review of your submitted questions and then move to an open Q&A as

time allows. 

III. Alma status

 Data checking: Questions or cases to highlight?

 Alma advanced functional calls continue – Thursdays at 9am Pacific

 Topic for Sep 29 -- Creating and editing NZ bib records for ordering purposes (Laurie)

 Topics for October –

 Batch change of bibs (normalization rules) (Megan)

 Setting up and using import profiles (Megan)

 Merge rules & relationships to preferred records in both import profiles and external

resources searching (Megan)

 PDA/DDA (Laurie)

 Call access details

Alma advanced functional calls (to-do list)

Time: 9:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) 

Meeting Number: 255 193 149 

Meeting Password: California 




Call-in toll-free number: 1-866- 6680721 (US) 

Call-in number: 1-845- 9770098 (US) 

Conference Code: 547 370 8445

Chat transcript

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 12:59 PM] Tracey @ CSULB:

What is the conference id? It isn't accepting the one in the calendar.

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 12:59 PM] Dolph Chaney:

Join Lync Meeting



Join by Phone

Number: > From inside Ex Libris *400

Conference ID: 6728906


Find a Local Number: Https://

Thanks, Tracey - I'll make sure the right conference ID (6728906) is reflected in all calendars.

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:03 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

How many campuses actually do recognize columbus day? We don’t.

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:04 PM] Braden, Mark E:

Laura: Los Angeles will also be at work (no holiday-- well, perhaps pushed to the end-of- year campus


[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:05 PM] Maritime:

So the scopes are not available yet?

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:06 PM] Brandon:

Laura - that holiday gets pushed to the end-of- the-year break, like some others (pres’ Day, etc)

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:06 PM] Maritime:

I need to make a Salesforce ticket, then....

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:06 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

Does that holiday change happen across the CSU or on a campus-by- campus basis? 

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:07 PM] Lynn Higgins:

Maritime - yes, if you're seeing issues with your scopes, please submit a ticket.  We'll look in the


[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:07 PM] Brandon:

pretty much across the CSU

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:08 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:

Laura: As Mark stated, I believe the CSU acknowledges Columbus Day during the Winter holiday closure week.

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:10 PM] Laura (Sonoma):


[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:15 PM] Tim Strawn:

Import profiles may be customized at the Institution level, correct?

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:15 PM] Megan Drake:

Merge rules might move before import profiles as well....  Still debating that in my head.  :)

Yes, Tim.  Import profiles are generally on the IZ level.

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:17 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

I only have the first Primo funcitonal call on my calendar in Exchange. Brandon, was this a series that Exchange

messed up, or as only one been sent?

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:18 PM] David Walker:

nope, thanks

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:19 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:

no not at this time

[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:19 PM] Kathlene:


[‎9/‎28/‎2016 1:20 PM] Braden, Mark E:

Thank you Dolph, Lynn and all...