9/22/16: Advanced Metadata Editor Functionality
Configuration of OCLC Export and Integration Profile in Alma for Import
- Note that you will need to discuss as a consortium and decide on best practices here for integration profiles that will be loading to the NZ.
- http://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/Alma_Online_Help_(English)/Integrations_with_External_Systems/030Resource_Management/040Importing_Records_from_OCLC_Connexion
File Menu → Options → Placement of normalization rules & bib records
- Controls where normalization rules and bibliographic records are placed (IZ or NZ)
- Normalization rules placement impacts the rules that can be selected for processes. We will be discussing normalization rules and processes in depth on October 8.
- Bib records will be discussed in next week’s call
Expanding from templates
Record levels & permissions
- Not currently configured at CalState
- Records are given a cataloging level and users are given permissions at a certain level. Users can only edit records at below their level.
- Prevents student workers, for example, from making changes to a full record.
- More info: http://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/Alma_Online_Help_(English)/Resource_Management/040Metadata_Management/030Cataloging_Privileges
Helpful links:
20160922 Alma functional call – Metadata editor
Chat transcript
from TeamSDSU to Everyone:
Tiny screen
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
Connexion > Tools > Options > Export > OCLC Gateway Export > Settings
from Mark (privately):
Is Gateway export the only option for Alma, or is export to a file workable.
to Mark (privately):
File-based export also works -- I believe Megan will show this later.
from chris (privately):
Is it worth mentioning to make sure Record characters are set to UTF-8 in Connexion so that diacritics import correctly?
to Megan Drake (privately):
One comment: "Is it worth mentioning to make sure Record characters are set to UTF-8 in Connexion so that diacritics import correctly?"
to chris (privately):
Thanks, Chris - I've forwarded that comment to Megan and will bring it up if she doesn't see the forward.
from Mallory DeBartolo (CO) to Everyone:
Do the records automatically unlock at any point or will they stay "locked to you" for an indefinite period of time?
from Northridge to Everyone:
I think there is an other settings where you can specify in hours how long a record is locked.
from Mallory DeBartolo (CO) to Everyone:
Very good. Thanks Northridge.
from Laura (Sonoma) (privately):
I'm assuming the difference between save record and save draft is whether or not other people can see your changes. Is that correct?
from Carole C-M to Everyone:
Do you need to "Restore" to revert to an earlier version if you haven't saved anything to that point?
from Micah (privately):
The time limit was set in the configuration worksheet
from Mark (privately):
The 008 field opens up with CTRL-F ? Just missed that.
from Micah to Everyone:
The time limit was set in the configuration worksheet
to chris (privately):
The Other Settings parameter for lock timeout is:
to chris (privately):
working_copy_lock_timeout The number of hours in the Parameter Value cell that you want the bibliographic record to be locked. The amount you specify can be up to 9999 and excludes 0.
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
The Other Settings parameter for lock timeout is:
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
working_copy_lock_timeout The number of hours in the Parameter Value cell that you want the bibliographic record to be locked. The amount you specify can be up to 9999 and excludes 0.
to Megan Drake (privately):
from Laura (Sonoma) (privately):
I'm assuming the difference between save record and save draft is whether or not other people can see your changes. Is that correct?
from SFSU (privately):
what do the different record icons represent on the left column?
from Laura (Sonoma) (privately):
from Marcus Jun to Everyone:
Does the form editor work in other fields other than 008?
from TeamSDSU to Everyone:
Mute please
from Carole C-M to Everyone:
Got it, thanks.
from Marcus Jun to Everyone:
possibly 007 too
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
Correct, Marcus - also 007.
from SFSU (privately):
what do the icons on the left mean?
from SFSU (privately):
the blue man vs the notebook
from Laurie Welling to Everyone:
MD Editor - Saving vs. saving as draft. Draft: Runs validation routines and saves the record as a draft. Your changes are saved, but the changes are not updated in the repository at this time. The record remains checked out to you and is not available to other catalogers for editing.
Draft records are deleted if they have not been modified for thirty days. Save Record: Saves the changes made to the record in the repository but does not release the record. Use the release option to release the record.
from SFSU (privately):
Thank you.
from Steve to Everyone:
The Form Editor works on the 006 and 007 also. I just tested both.
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
Thank you, Laurie!
from SJSU Tech Serv (privately):
Can you demo creating a local field?
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
Can you hide or remove the out of the box templates?
to SJSU Tech Serv (privately):
Hi San Jose - the process is just like what Megan did to add a 590 local note, except that the MARC tag number would be 9xx number.
from Humboldt to Everyone:
what does "blow out from a template" do?
from SJSU Tech Serv (privately):
ok, thanks
from TeamSDSU to Everyone:
Is there a IZ folder?
from Humboldt to Everyone:
is there MaRC field help in the editor?
from Northridge to Everyone:
On the bottom of the metadata editor there is an info tab with marc field help
from Steve to Everyone:
When using "Search External Resources" to find a record in OCLC, can we then edit the OCLC master record (make permanent changes to it, in OCLC)?
from yvonne (privately):
is the import from worldcat automatically update the OCLC holding for the target record?
to Megan Drake (privately):
from yvonne (privately):
is the import from worldcat automatically update the OCLC holding for the target record?
from Northridge to Everyone:
When you add a PO line to a bib record it automatically creates inventory (holdings and items record). How does alma know the 852 $$b, $$c the location of the item? Is there a default location?
from Laurie Welling to Everyone:
Regarding the out of the box templates -- they cannot be edited or deleted.
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
Can you use cataloger levels or permissions so a student can only add certain fields (maybe local extensions)?
from Humboldt to Everyone:
When you are in the holding and you want to check the cutter against shelf list, how would you do that?
to Megan Drake (privately):
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
Can you use cataloger levels or permissions so a student can only add certain fields (maybe local extensions)?
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
Laurie, does that mean they also can't be hidden?
from SFSU (privately):
when using templates, when would we duplicate from the shared (blue man icon) vs. the draft icon version?
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
I'm just wondering--if you don't want to use the default templates and you create your own, you'll end up with a long and possibly confusing list of templates. That's kind of a bummer.
to Megan Drake (privately):
from SFSU (privately):
when using templates, when would we duplicate from the shared (blue man icon) vs. the draft icon version?
from SFSU (privately):
Why doesn't Thesis RDA template have a draft version?
to Megan Drake (privately):
from SFSU (privately):
Why doesn't Thesis RDA template have a draft version?
from Laurie Welling to Everyone:
Hi Laura, I'm pretty sure these out of the box templates cannot be hidden but I am testing and will let you know.
from SFSU to Everyone:
when using templates, when would we duplicate from the shared (blue man icon) vs. the draft icon version?
from Northridge to Everyone:
the cataoging task force will probably weigh in on our primary bibliographic utitlity (connexion vs. metadata editor0
from yvonne (privately):
If we use Connexion as the metadata editor, can we overley an existing record in ALMA? if yes, how
from Humboldt to Everyone:
Going back to updating fields in NZ...if it's not a local field, do we just update it and leave it unflagged? Say we want to add TOC note for example.
from yvonne (privately):
from Steve to Everyone:
Because the OCLC master record will always be our NZ record, and by linking between IZ and NZ, it will also be our IZ record, any data not in the OCLC master record can only exist in our bib records when coded as local fields, correct?
from Kirstie Genzel (privately):
I believe Svetlana said at one point that overlaying an NZ record from Connexion requires NZ credentials, so at this point all we can do is import new records right?
from Kirstie Genzel (privately):
got it! :)
from Samuel (privately):
Thanks :)
from Northridge to Everyone:
thank you
from Humboldt to Everyone: