CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
11:00 AM
I. Staff availability
Nov 3: Svetlana out of office
II. Primo status
Primo reinstallation on production in progress; available (with both classic UI and new UI) next
week after reimport of configs and re-publishing, alongside Primo Sandbox as well
Reminder: API is redirected to Sandbox environment temporarily; ExL to watch
performance closely
Workbooks – clarification on use and reflection of changes
III. Alma status
Data checking: Questions or cases to highlight?
Alma advanced functional calls continue – Thursdays at 9am Pacific
Nov 3: E-resources activation, pt 1: core workflows (NZ) (Laurie)
Nov 10: E-resources activation, pt 2: exception workflows (examples: video streaming; activating
for subgroups of campuses) (Laurie)
Nov 17: Advanced Terms of Use troubleshooting (Megan)
Call access details
Time: 9:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 255 193 149 ; Meeting Password: California
Meeting link:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866- 6680721 (US) ; Call-in number: 1-845- 9770098 (US) ;
Conference Code: 547 370 8445
IV. Central Office update (David)
Working groups starting to get feedback on policies now via Confluence (also from COLD meeting)-
watch for updates and continue to send feedback
Chat transcript
[11/2/2016 1:02 PM] David Walker:
[11/2/2016 1:05 PM] Maria Pena - Fresno:
Meeting is not loading. Please send me the meeting link via email.
[11/2/2016 1:05 PM] David Walker:
I will
I haven't noticed any performance issues with the API on the Sanbox
[11/2/2016 1:06 PM] Mike Fullerton:
so far so good
[11/2/2016 1:13 PM] David Walker: