CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

11:00 AM



I. Staff availability

 Dec 1-2: Brandon out

II. Primo status

 Primo now available (both classic and new UI) both Production and Sandbox (new login info)

o Next steps: Lynn/Jim in progress with add’l NR changes from CSU Discovery Group

 Authentication status

o SAML user login to Primo: ExL has finished registering updated info with InCommon;

now waiting for InCommon to upload (please test Friday – 1 st link on login page)

o Alma user login to Primo: ready (please test now – 2 nd link on login page)

 Call tomorrow (Dec 1) 1pm Pacific: Workbook-to- Primo comparison

Zoom --

Call content: to compare one of the workbooks directly to its corresponding Primo, showing

step-by- step where the requested changes were done. This comparison will include

interface / view options as well as normalization rule customizations.

Objectives: to enhance the Primo trainings thus far by making the information more tangible

and set the campus PM's up with a stronger foundation to start managing Primo changes.

III. Alma status

 Data checking continues

 Alma Workshop 2 planning in progress

 ExL in progress building agenda; will share with CSU CO team this week

 Alma advanced functional calls continue – Thursdays at 9am Pacific

 Dec 1: Additional questions around workflows incorporating the Network Zone (Megan)

 Next topics

 Dec 8: Work order setup and workflow (Megan)

 Dec 15: Batch change of inventory and other data via jobs (Megan)

 Jan 5: More training on Analytics (Megan)

 Call access details

Time: 9:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) 

Meeting Number: 255 193 149 ; Meeting Password: California 

Meeting link:

Call-in toll-free number: 1-866- 6680721 (US) ; Call-in number: 1-845- 9770098 (US) ;

Conference Code: 547 370 8445

IV. Chancellor’s Office update

 Patron update – Friday the scripts from PeopleSoft will be available

 Webinar week of Dec 5 to answer questions

Chat transcript

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:06 PM] Kathlene:

When were the passwords distributed?


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:07 PM] Amanda Grombly:

How can we get to the Back Office; is it the same URL or different?

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:07 PM] Dolph Chaney:

Basecamp announcement -

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:07 PM] Mike Fullerton:

quick question, I noticed in the sandbox that I am getting cover images in the virtual browse

where are they coming from?

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:09 PM] James LeFager:

HI Amanda - the links to the Production and Sandbox back office links are in the spreadsheet that Lynn

posted to basecamp

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:09 PM] Amanda Grombly:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:09 PM] Mike Fullerton:

but not in prod?


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:10 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

I’m not seeing the back office links in the spreadsheet. I could be missing something. 


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:10 PM] Mike Fullerton:



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[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:13 PM] David Walker:

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[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:21 PM] Maria Pena - Fresno:

Is there an ERM webinar on Monday? If so, please send an invite.

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:21 PM] Jodi:

Is the schedule for the workshop coming out soon? 

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:22 PM] Maria Pena - Fresno:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

Are there similar limits on the number of people attending? 

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] Jodi:

Thanks, I know we are waiting to make reservations and travel arrangements... 

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] David Walker:

Laura: Yes, I believe it will be similar

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] Mike Fullerton:

I am not 100% sure, but I think it seats 116

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] Christina (CSUCI):

fullerton crickets chirping

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:23 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:

The logistical info will go out with the agenda. 

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:24 PM] Laurie Welling:

Nothing here.

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:25 PM] Laura (Sonoma):

We are under a lot of pressure to make reservations NOW so that we don’t spend as much as we had to in San Jose.

So the sooner basic information can come out the better. I know you’re all working on it, but I wanted to put that out


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:26 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:

We understand the timeliness issue of travel. But until the agenda is determined, we will not know who should be

attending on which days. Thanks for your patience,

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:26 PM] Christina (CSUCI):

fullerton's cheap and cheerful; not like SJ ;)

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:26 PM] Mike Fullerton:

every seat has an outlet, which is nice

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Christina (CSUCI):

that's the cheerful part!

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:

(Sorry my mic is not working today.)

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] David Walker:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Brandon:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Christina (CSUCI):

thanks all :)

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] SFSU:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:


[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Jeremy@HSU:

thanks, bye..

[‎11/‎30/‎2016 1:28 PM] Christina (CSUCI):

sorry dolph i want to see the notes for a sec


thx!!! see/talk to you soon!