CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
11:00 AM
I. Staff availability
All week: Lynn offsite with customer
II. Primo status
Primo February 2017 Release – upgrade Sunday Jan 29
o Release Notes:
Config tasks: Lynn/Jim in progress with add’l NR changes from CSU Discovery Group
Rules from consortium workbook are in place now
Examples from Discovery Group are being checked & new rules in progress
Resource Type facet, print/e-book split are in progress w/ fix (next renorm)
Publishing job will continue to be run manually (by ExL) 2x/month
Authentication – testing status from CSU (David Walker to provide followup after meeting)
III. Alma status
Cutover schedule
Dolph sent high-level schedule to Brandon today for review
Alma Health Checklist
Please upload as file to Basecamp in next few weeks (Dolph to send out deadline this week)
(tip: put Alma institution code in file name and add label “Alma Health Checklist”)
Example from Sonoma: 01CALS_SOL - Alma and Primo Health Checklist.docx
Alma Workshop 2 – thank you!
Site feedback being reviewed
Alma advanced functional calls – resuming Feb 2 on Thursdays at 9am Pacific
Feb 2 – Letters and notices (Megan)
See also the CSU letters Task Force area --
New WebEx call details
Meeting link:
Meeting number / password: 719 859 699 / CalState!2017
1-408- 792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
1-877- 668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (Internet Explorer preferred)
Remaining February call schedule – Dolph will send during the next week
Chat transcript
[1/25/2017 1:06 PM] Brandon:
I don't see your screen if you are sharing it Dolph. No worries if you aren't
[1/25/2017 1:06 PM] Tracey @ CSULB:
Thanks Brandon!
[1/25/2017 1:06 PM] Salazar, Christina:
still no?
[1/25/2017 1:07 PM] James LeFager:
Hi Christina, Can you see Dolph's screen or did you have a question?
[1/25/2017 1:08 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
I didn’t think the SAML authentication was supposed to be working yet. Is it?
[1/25/2017 1:09 PM] Mike Fullerton:
Quick question: will we have access to the sandbox during the technical freeze?
[1/25/2017 1:09 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
@james - switched to webapp; technical issue on my campus thx
[1/25/2017 1:10 PM] Tracey @ CSULB:
Is everyone else seeing a secondary screen covering the agenda?
Sorry! My bad!
[1/25/2017 1:10 PM] Mike Fullerton:
so, we will get dates and times and all that good stuff soon?
[1/25/2017 1:11 PM] Eva Sorrell:
Just to confirm, it will be the generic sandbox and nothing with our own configurations we can train with
during the tech freeze, correct?
[1/25/2017 1:12 PM] Eva Sorrell:
Okay, that's what I thought, but someone here wanted me to ask.
[1/25/2017 1:12 PM] Nikki SLO:
thanks, Dolph. we have a few folks who want to do certification training during that time.
[1/25/2017 1:13 PM] Mike Fullerton:
when should we start working on the health checklist?
[1/25/2017 1:13 PM] yvonne:
when is the health check list due to you?
[1/25/2017 1:13 PM] Mike Fullerton:
nice timing!
[1/25/2017 1:14 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
Yes, and who should we send them to?
[1/25/2017 1:14 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
"due to you???" errrrrrr
[1/25/2017 1:15 PM] Kathlene @MB:
CSUMB will need more time
[1/25/2017 1:16 PM] Rae Ann Stahl:
Can we make the due date a week later, since Jan. 31st is less than a week away?
[1/25/2017 1:17 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
oh my gatitos
[1/25/2017 1:17 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Joining MB and SJSU, we'll be hard pressed to give a coherent document, very sorry...
[1/25/2017 1:18 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
ah no dolph don't take my concern as a reflection on the due date
[1/25/2017 1:18 PM] Laura (Sonoma):
It’s actually a fairly easy document to complete, just in case you’re wondering...
[1/25/2017 1:18 PM] Nikki SLO:
it might be better to see the results of the new Primo release before answering the Discovery questions
[1/25/2017 1:18 PM] Mike Fullerton:
[1/25/2017 1:19 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
i just want to say that you 3 were awesome
[1/25/2017 1:20 PM] Maria Pena - Fresno:
When will the workshop recordings be available?
[1/25/2017 1:21 PM] Maria Pena - Fresno:
[1/25/2017 1:23 PM] Maritime:
Team leaders: Please design a battery of letters in the NZ, and allow customization in the IZ rather than designing
them from scratch
[1/25/2017 1:25 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Oh, I consider that a good idea, Mark S. -- partly because we're standardizing policies across the 24 libraries...
[1/25/2017 1:25 PM] Lauren (CSUN):
there is a letters TF that is working on a library of sample letter XSLT
....give me second to find the link...
[1/25/2017 1:25 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
@lauren: nice
[1/25/2017 1:26 PM] Lauren (CSUN):
[1/25/2017 1:26 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Many thanks, Lauren-- that degree of sharing will be helpful.
[1/25/2017 1:26 PM] Lauren (CSUN):
There should be an update about this at the Systems Call @3PM today as well
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Alice Kawakami-CSU:
Nothing from me, thanks
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Mike Fullerton:
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Jensen, Stacie M:
thank you
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Christina (CSUCI):
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] yvonne:
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Nikki SLO:
[1/25/2017 1:28 PM] Mark B. (Los Angeles):
Thank you Dolph and Megan and everyone in Imp. Team.