ULMS Migration Archive : Analytics & Reporting Status Reports
Created by Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed), last modified on Apr 28, 2017
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Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Status: Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will begin drafting some policies for discussion Goal: Establish the role for this work group post-implementation, including composition and work goals. Per the implementation team, this group will exist, though not necessarily with the same membership and charge. Forward-looking work such as training surveys and plans will be carried out in a way that allows for easy transition. |
Description | New issues: - Status of 360 Counter customers
- Campuses contracted through SDLC (SD, LB, Fresno) were licensed for calendar year and don't expire until December 31, 2017. SLO contracted separately and expires June 30, 2017, but will be extended to October 1, 2017.
- Status:
- Status of USTAT customers
- Regarding migration of USTAT data loaded during test period, Ex Libris offered two options: (1) keep all data in Alma at cutover, and (2) migrate Dec-May USTAT data, overwriting the data in Alma from that time period.
- Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed) and Karen Schlesser (Unlicensed)solicited preferences from USTAT campuses and reported back to Ex Libris via Basecamp.
- Campuses requesting Option 1 (re-migrate USTAT data): Sacramento, Stanislaus, Fullerton, Sonoma, San Jose, San Bernardino, Northridge, Channel Islands, Maritime
- Campuses requesting Option 2 (retain Alma data since cutover): San Marcos, San Francisco
- Still confirming: CSU Chico responded with a request for Option 2. However, CSU Chico was not on the original USTAT migration list. A check of Chico's usage data from NZ analytics suggests that USTAT data was in fact migrated for them, but nothing has been added since. Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed) and Karen Schlesser (Unlicensed) are following up with Chico to advise that Option 1 may be preferable, and with Ex Libris to make sure Chico's data is properly migrated at cutover.
Outstanding issues: - New survey to campuses regarding training needs immediately and in the months post go-live.
- Survey questions:
- Interest in a webinar dedicated to the Health Check
- Interest in advanced topics of particular use for data checking and other post-implementation tasks
- Interest in advanced topics of a more general use, for a later timeframe
- General ranking of analytics areas for use in prioritizing training
- Status: Carol Perruso (Unlicensed) produced a Qualtrix version, which will be distributed soon.
Action Items | - Advise Ex Libris regarding campus choices for USTAT/Alma usage data migration at cutover (done, except for Chico question, as above)
- Advise 360 Counter and non-USTAT campuses regarding usage data set-up and retrieval pre- and post-migration (done)
- Draft Calstate community folder policies (in progress)
- Analytics vs Repository Search (in progress)
- Training survey (ready for distribution)
- NEXT MEETING: 5/16/2017
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Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Joint task group with Discovery to explore Primo Analytics. Karen Schlesser will liaise with Discovery group. Report and discuss at a future meeting. Update: Karen/Nikki attended Ex Libris functional call re: Primo Analytics. Note that Analytics is not yet configured in the Cal State Primo Back Office instances. Update 4/14/2017: Primo Analytics still non-functional. Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Status: Request submitted to Implementation Team. Nikki will join Implementation Team meeting 4/17/17 to discuss. Goal: Establish the role for this work group post-implementation, including composition and work goals. Nikki will join Implementation Team meeting 4/17/17 to discuss. |
Description | Outstanding issues: - Status of 360 Counter customers
- Campuses contracted through SDLC (SD, LB, Fresno) were licensed for calendar year and don't expire until December 31, 2017. SLO contracted separately and expires June 30, 2017, but will be extended to October 1, 2017.
- Status:
- Services: DRS and SUSHI will continue as contracted
- Migration: Ex Libris apparently does NOT plan to migrate any usage data for 360 Counter customers. Nikki posted reply to Basecamp 4/14/17 to clarify this.
- Status of USTAT customers
- Campuses are making progress. Some have cases open regarding migration issues. More info here.
- Primo Analytics
- Cross-posted to Tech Services, Access, and Analytics listservs: communication regarding immediate Analytics & Reporting needs at campuses.
- Particular concerns:
- The Analytics questions on the Alma and Primo Health Checklist
- Setting up usage statistics, SUSHI configuration, and USTAT or 360 Counter migration
- Advanced Repository Search, logical, itemized, and combined sets
- Creating and managing Fulfillment Sets and using them in your daily work
- Using Analytics reports to create sets in Alma
- Status: Working on a new survey of training needs to be posted in the next week or so pending confirmation from the Implementation Team.
Action Items | - Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed) will join Implementation Team during their weekly call on 4/17/2017 to discuss and clarify the following concerns:
- Post-implementation status of the ULMS Analytics and Reporting Working Group
- COUNTER reports and Analytics queries for SDLC resources
- Duplication and overlapping responsibilities with regard to usage harvesting and reporting
- NZ-level analytics
- Further work on Frequent Queries page. Create page for policy recommendations based on the above recent issues and others that come up. Predict that more issues will begin to come up as campuses dig deeper into Alma.
- Draft recommendations for 360 Counter customers regarding usage data migration and when to start loading reports and configuring SUSHI in Alma.
- Status: Pending update by Ex Libris
- Page with detailed comparisons and recommendations regarding Repository Search vs Analytics.
- Status: Stephanie Alexander and Carol Perruso have created the page and have begun collecting and collating information regarding common reporting needs.
- The Analytics Group would like to reach out to campuses that left the Health Check blank.
- Status: Waiting for Chancellor's Office team/Ex Libris to report back regarding the Health Check and how we may appropriately identify and assist campuses that may be challenged in this area.
- NEXT MEETING: 4/18/2017
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Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Joint task group with Discovery to explore Primo Analytics. Karen Schlesser will liaise with Discovery group. Report and discuss at a future meeting. Update: Karen/Nikki attended Ex Libris functional call re: Primo Analytics. Note that Analytics is not yet configured in the Cal State Primo Back Office instances. Update 3/17/2017: Primo Analytics still non-functional. Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Discuss at next meeting–high priority. This is an important area for policy and has bearing on many aspects of analytics including working with the EAR subcommittee and reporting on shared resources for surveys such as IPEDS and ACRL. Update 3/17/2017: Hua Yi (CSUSM) asks (originally directed to Ying Liu (CO): "Is SDLC going to provide COUNTER usage stats in Alma for ECC and opt-ins? Will you share analytics reports / dashboards from ECC and opt-in and create analytics reports that can be re-used across institutions?" Membership changes: Lauren Magnusen joined the group; John Brandt bowed out. |
Description | Outstanding issues: - Status of 360 Counter customers
- Ex Libris has given assurance that contracted services will continue as needed until data is migrated, regardless of renewal status
- Brandon is working with Ex Libris PM Dolph Chaney to formalize this assurance. Dolph is working with others at Ex Libris to get formal agreements for us.
- Campuses contracted through SDLC (SD, LB, Fresno) were licensed for calendar year and don't expire until December 31, 2017. SLO contracted separately and expires June 30, 2017.
- Status: Still waiting for formal response.
- Status of USTAT customers
- Not all campuses seem to be able to set up SUSHI
- Primo Analytics
- Cross-posted to Tech Services, Access, and Analytics listservs: communication regarding immediate Analytics & Reporting needs at campuses.
- Particular concerns:
- The Analytics questions on the Alma and Primo Health Checklist
- Setting up usage statistics, SUSHI configuration, and USTAT or 360 Counter migration
- Advanced Repository Search, logical, itemized, and combined sets
- Creating and managing Fulfillment Sets and using them in your daily work
- Using Analytics reports to create sets in Alma
Action Items | - Further work on Frequent Queries page. Create page for policy recommendations based on the above recent issues and others that come up. Predict that more issues will begin to come up as campuses dig deeper into Alma.
- Draft recommendations for 360 Counter customers regarding usage data migration and when to start loading reports and configuring SUSHI in Alma.
- Status: Pending update by Ex Libris
- Page with detailed comparisons and recommendations regarding Repository Search vs Analytics.
- Status: Stephanie Alexander and Carol Perruso have created the page and expect to work on this over the next 4 to 6 weeks.
- Indication rules–understand and explain
- Status: Lauren Magnusen has volunteered to work on this, with a long timeline (Summer-Fall–this is an advanced topic that campuses probably won't be interested in until later)
- Matthew Prutsman (Access Services & Resource Sharing) expressed interest in a possible demonstration during an Access Services Open Forum of how to use Analytics and Fulfillment Sets together to create a User Set.
- Status: Waiting to hear from AS&RS group for now–our presentation would be useful but not their highest priority right now.
- Nikki expressed concern in monthly WG chairs meeting regarding the number of campuses who may have left the Analytics section of the Health Check blank. Other chairs echoed this concern regarding their own areas. The Analytics Group would like to reach out to campuses that left the Health Check blank.
- Status: Waiting for Chancellor's Office team/Ex Libris to report back regarding the Health Check and how we may appropriately identify and assist campuses that may be challenged in this area.
- New meeting time: monthly meetings rescheduled to Tuesday mornings to resolve attendance conflicts NEXT MEETING: 3/21/2017
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Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Establish an email alias. In progress. Per Brandon, an email alias can be established closer to go live. (Status = pending) Goal: Configuring local fields. Established which fields are available and how to request; confirmed that campuses can change their choices but should avoid doing so. Karen/Nikki communicated to campuses via the Tech Services working group weekly open forum. Karen added documentation to the wiki. (Status = complete) Goal: Communications plan. See new communications page. (Status = nearly complete) Goal: Post-implementation work of group. On hold pending governance and COLD decisions regarding role of task forces post-implementation. Discussion item for future meeting. Note that group strongly feels that our work will be most useful post-implementation as campuses turn from migration and training to daily use and begin to discover their reporting needs. Goal: Division of labor among task group and campus experts and ways to share queries. On hold pending future discussion and decisions as above. Community catalog is a useful mechanism for sharing queries. Goal: Work with EAR Analytics group. Update: Carol Perruso is in both groups and has agreed to be liaison. Further updates to come as EAR group is just getting started. (Status = pending) Goal: Advanced analytics features. Karen Schlesser has volunteered to spearhead this, starting with Link Resolver usage. Advanced features will necessarily be secondary to getting campuses fully comfortable with basic reporting, but these powerful features are an important benefit of Alma and leadership in this area is critical. Goal: Joint task group with Discovery to explore Primo Analytics. Karen Schlesser will liaise with Discovery group. Report and discuss at a future meeting. Update: Karen/Nikki attended Ex Libris functional call re: Primo Analytics. Note that Analytics is not yet configured in the Cal State Primo Back Office instances. Update 3/3/2017: Primo Analytics still non-functional. Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Discuss at next meeting–high priority. This is an important area for policy and has bearing on many aspects of analytics including working with the EAR subcommittee and reporting on shared resources for surveys such as IPEDS and ACRL.
Description | Outstanding issues: - Status of 360 Counter customers
- Ex Libris has given assurance that contracted services will continue as needed until data is migrated, regardless of renewal status
- Brandon is working with Ex Libris PM Dolph Chaney to formalize this assurance. Dolph is working with others at Ex Libris to get formal agreements for us.
- Status of USTAT customers
- Not all campuses seem to be able to set up SUSHI
- Primo Analytics
New activity: - Cross-posted to Tech Services, Access, and Analytics listservs: communication regarding immediate Analytics & Reporting needs at campuses.
- Particular concerns:
- The Analytics questions on the Alma and Primo Health Checklist
- Setting up usage statistics, SUSHI configuration, and USTAT or 360 Counter migration
- Advanced Repository Search, logical, itemized, and combined sets
- Creating and managing Fulfillment Sets and using them in your daily work
- Using Analytics reports to create sets in Alma
Action Items | - Further work on Frequent Queries page. Create page for policy recommendations based on the above recent issues and others that come up. Predict that more issues will begin to come up as campuses dig deeper into Alma.
- Pending update by Ex Libris, draft recommendations for 360 Counter customers regarding usage data migration and when to start loading reports and configuring SUSHI in Alma.
- Page with detailed comparisons and recommendations regarding Repository Search vs Analytics. Stephanie Alexander and Carol Perruso have volunteered to work on this over the next 4 to 6 weeks.
- New meeting time: monthly meetings rescheduled to Tuesday mornings to resolve attendance conflicts
Date | |
Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Establish an email alias. In progress. Per Brandon, an email alias can be established closer to go live. (Status = pending) Goal: Configuring local fields. Established which fields are available and how to request; confirmed that campuses can change their choices but should avoid doing so. Karen/Nikki communicated to campuses via the Tech Services working group weekly open forum. Karen added documentation to the wiki. (Status = complete) Note: Feb.16 meeting postponed to Feb. 23, so the "next meeting" issues below remain pending except as noted. Goal: Communications plan. On hold pending discussion at next meeting. Goal: Post-implementation work of group. On hold pending governance and COLD decisions regarding role of task forces post-implementation. Discussion item for future meeting. Note that group strongly feels that our work will be most useful post-implementation as campuses turn from migration and training to daily use and begin to discover their reporting needs. Goal: Division of labor among task group and campus experts and ways to share queries. On hold pending future discussion and decisions as above. Community catalog is a useful mechanism for sharing queries. Goal: Work with EAR Analytics group. On hold pending full implementation of latest EAR subcommittee. Goal: Advanced analytics features. Karen Schlesser has volunteered to spearhead this, starting with Link Resolver usage. Advanced features will necessarily be secondary to getting campuses fully comfortable with basic reporting, but these powerful features are an important benefit of Alma and leadership in this area is critical. Goal: Joint task group with Discovery to explore Primo Analytics. Karen Schlesser will liaise with Discovery group. Report and discuss at a future meeting. Update: Karen/Nikki attended Ex Libris functional call re: Primo Analytics. Note that Analytics is not yet configured in the Cal State Primo Back Office instances. Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Discuss at next meeting–high priority. This is an important area for policy and has bearing on many aspects of analytics including working with the EAR subcommittee and reporting on shared resources for surveys such as IPEDS and ACRL.
Description | Julie Su (SDSU) requested information regarding 360 Counter migration. Nikki posted the following in BaseCamp on Friday, Feb. 27. Ex Libris has not yet responded. I am hoping for updates and/or confirmation on the following: - Timeline for migrating usage data
- Amount of usage data to be migrated (is it still 3 years?)
Current customers of Serials Solutions 360 Counter with DRS service have a particularly complex situation with regard to migration:
- Currently configured SUSHI harvests in 360 Counter gather data monthly
- DRS service gathers data twice per year -- in February for Jul-Dec and in August for Jan-Jun
- At least two DRS customers have contracts that expire in June 2017. These customers will end up with data that is current through a variety of dates--most recent month for SUSHI harvests, December 2016 for DRS loads, or older than December 2016 in cases of DRS load failure (due to account, platform, etc. changes)
Serials Solutions customers urgently need to know when their data will be migrated so they can do the following:
- Know when to start setting up SUSHI in Alma without creating duplicate data loads or waiting till the last minute
- Know how much additional usage data to extract from 360 Counter to reload into Alma, before contracts expire
- Decide how to handle DRS failure cases for the most recent (February 2017) load cycle
- Plan for manual data extract/upload for Jan 2017 forward for platforms handled through DRS
- Extend their contracts with Serials Solutions if necessary
Action Items | - Further work on Frequent Queries page. Create page for policy recommendations based on the above recent issues and others that come up. Predict that more issues will begin to come up as campuses dig deeper into Alma.
- Pending update by Ex Libris, draft recommendations for 360 Counter customers regarding usage data migration and when to start loading reports and configuring SUSHI in Alma.
Date | |
Working Group | |
Task Force |
Report Summary | Goal: Establish an email alias. In progress. Per Brandon, an email alias can be established closer to go live. Goal: Configuring local fields. Nearly complete pending communication to campuses–established that each campus can identify individual fields via a Sales Force case. Goal: Communications plan. On hold pending discussion at next meeting. Goal: Post-implementation work of group. On hold pending governance and COLD decisions regarding role of task forces post-implementation. Discussion item for future meeting. Note that group strongly feels that our work will be most useful post-implementation as campuses turn from migration and training to daily use and begin to discover their reporting needs. Goal: Division of labor among task group and campus experts and ways to share queries. On hold pending future discussion and decisions as above. Community catalog is a useful mechanism for sharing queries. Goal: Work with EAR Analytics group. On hold pending full implementation of latest EAR subcommittee. Goal: Advanced analytics features. Karen Schlesser has volunteered to spearhead this, starting with Link Resolver usage. Advanced features will necessarily be secondary to getting campuses fully comfortable with basic reporting, but these powerful features are an important benefit of Alma and leadership in this area is critical. Goal: Joint task group with Discovery to explore Primo Analytics. Karen Schlesser will liaise with Discovery group. Report and discuss at a future meeting. Goal: Policies/procedures for the NZ Analytics instance. Discuss at next meeting–high priority. This is an important area for policy and has bearing on many aspects of analytics including working with the EAR subcommittee and reporting on shared resources for surveys such as IPEDS and ACRL.
Description | Other issues the group has recently been consulted about: - Provenance Codes–the Analytics group was asked to consider the implications of local campus customization of the Provenance Code field. The group provided a policy statement for use by the Technical Services group in their policy statement for this field.
- Item Material Types–the Analytics group was asked about the implications of these codes for Analytics. Several responses were offered, with the general response being that these codes should be kept as is and not consolidated. Further advisement on this issue may be necessary.
Action Items | Further work on Frequent Queries page. Create page for policy recommendations based on the above recent issues and others that come up. Predict that more issues will begin to come up as campuses dig deeper into Alma. |