CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

11:00 AM



I. Staff availability

 Feb 13-17: Svetlana OoO but working

 Feb 16-22: Megan working ½ days (am)

II. Primo status

 Config tasks: Lynn/Jim completed add’l NR changes from CSU Discovery Group (details)

 CSU has taken ownership of NR changes, with ExL assisting

 Publishing job will continue to be run manually (by ExL) 2x/month

 Authentication

o CSU progress (Dave): progress is continuing steadily; campus IdP’s need updating,

and one by one those are taking place (please check with local IT if needed)

 Primo advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 1-2pm Pacific)

o Topics

 Feb 16 - Primo Analytics (Jim)

 Feb 23 - Boosting (Lynn)

 Mar 2 - Pipe management (Lynn)

o New WebEx call details:

Link -


Meeting number / password: 713 230 978 / CalState!2017

1-408- 792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

1-877- 668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred)

III. Alma status

 Alma Health Checklist questions

 Please upload as file to Basecamp (deadline: Feb 15)

 Tip: put Alma institution code in file name and add label “Alma Health

Checklist” -- Ex. Sonoma: 01CALS_SOL - Alma and Primo Health


 Alma advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 9-10:30am Pacific)

 Topics for February (more topics to be added soon!)

 Feb 16 – Serials part 1 (Laurie)

 Feb 23 – Serials part 2 (Laurie)

 New WebEx call details



Meeting number / password: 719 859 699 / CalState!2017 

1-408- 792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) 

1-877- 668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 

Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred) 

Chat transcript

from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:

Starting shortly, thanks!

from David Walker to Everyone:

Unlimited power!!!

from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:

....applause, congratulations...

from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:

Sorry, my mic seems to be truly dying.

from Jeremy to Everyone:

Looks good... If we eliminate our second library, can we completely eliminate the Humboldt?

from Mike:Lynn, is the sandbox sync complete?

from Mike to Everyone:


from David Walker to Everyone:

works for me

from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:

Action Item: Sandbox sync (export / import) to be done tomorrow (Lynn / Jim) -- please stay out of

sandbox tomorrow until notice that sync is complete

from Mike to Everyone:

the multiple views model?

from Mike to Everyone:


from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:

from A Hor:

Here at Stanislaus we do not see a link for “Resource Sharing Request”. Wondering if Megan is still

working on configuration for the RS training, or are there some things I need to do.

from Ian Chan (privately):

sorry, but there's quite a bit of static coming through

from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) to Everyone:

Were those forms supposed to go to ExL or to Brandon?

from A Hor (privately):

Got it, thank you.

from Tim Strawn to Everyone:

Did you say the Vanguard testers will be configured firts?

from Mike to Everyone:

working on vacation?

from Tim Strawn to Everyone:


from Tim Strawn to Everyone:

Ahh, OK... got it

from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:

Any last topics before we adjourn?

from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:

I hear you

from Ian Chan (privately):

sounds good now :-)

from Christina (CSUCI) to Everyone:

thanks dolph, megan & lynn

from Nikki (CP-SLO) to Everyone:


from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:

Thank you dolly, Megan and Lynn

from Ian Chan to Everyone:

thank you

from Jeremy to Everyone:


from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:
