- Staff availability
- Mar 13-17: Svetlana out
- Individual institution Primo meetings begin Mar 16 (Lynn & Jim)
- CSU continuing NR changes, with ExL assisting
- Mar 15 - Sandbox renorm
- Publishing job will continue to be run manually (by ExL) 2x/month
- Dedup in progress; indexing should complete by end of day
- Authentication
- Progress – 3 campuses need their local IT to respond; 3 are working with ExL on issues; all others can at least log in.
- Primo advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 1-2pm Pacific)
- Topics
- Mar 16 – FRBR and dedup (Jim)
- New WebEx call details:
Meeting link: https://proquestmeetings.webex.com/proquestmeetings/j.php?MTID=m5155eb12aa4db66a4a291fbb06237cf1
Meeting number (access code) and password: 719 929 836 / CalState!2017
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
- Topics
- Primo status
Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred)
- Alma status
- Cutover plan status
- reviewed by Migration Team
- full approval expected next week
- distribution to Cal State by end of March
- Alma advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 9-10:30am Pacific)
- Topics for March (more topics to be added soon!)
- Mar 16 – Course reserves (Laurie / Cathe Olson)
- Mar 23 – Global CZ authority management (Megan / Emily Boss)
- Mar 30 – Booking (Laurie)
- New WebEx call details
- Topics for March (more topics to be added soon!)
Link: https://proquestmeetings.webex.com/proquestmeetings/j.php?MTID=ma20c2acac9adac3abba1c35db27bfdbd
Meeting number / password: 719 859 699 / CalState!2017
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred)
Chat transcript
from Nikki (CPSLO) to Everyone:
have all the invites gone out for the one on one meetings?
from Nikki (CPSLO) to Everyone:
I'll follow up here, then. We've had people out
from SFSU (Cathy & Ya) to Everyone:
lost sound on Dolph?
from David Walker to Everyone:
Dolph, you seem to be breaking up a bit
from Maria Pena to Everyone:
Dolph, can you repeat what authority sessions are taking place? You were breaking up when you reported it.
from Maria Pena to Everyone:
Thanks, Dolph.
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) to Everyone:
Can anyone report when the RS testing will be rescheduled?
from Mike/SLO (privately):
fyi latency in the audio
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) to Everyone:
breaking up a lot now
from David Walker to Everyone:
Sorry, Dolph we can't hear you at all now
This is a sign
from Mark And Brian (privately):
Your fading in and out..
from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:
Apologies for my audio issues (electrical work occurring outside). Any other questions before we adjourn?
from Stacie Jensen to Everyone:
I have one but will post to Basecamp
from Carole Correa-Morris to Everyone:
Nope, thanks.
from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:
Thanks, Stacie.
from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:
I will check the WebEx recording to see if it's worth anyone's time before we upload it for use. :)
from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:
Take care, all!
from Carole Correa-Morris to Everyone:
I think most of it was fine.
from Stacie Jensen to Everyone:
have a good one