CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
11:00 AM
- Staff availability
- Mar 23-31: Brandon out
- Primo advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 1-2pm Pacific) – SERIES IS COMPLETE
- Individual institution Primo meetings began Mar 16 (Lynn & Jim)
- CSU continuing NR changes, with ExL assisting
- March Sandbox renorm in planning progress
- Publishing job will continue to be run manually (by ExL) 2x/month
- Authentication
- Progress – 3 campuses need their local IT to respond; 3 are working with ExL on issues; all others can at least log in.
- Primo status
- Alma status
- Cutover plan status
- Next week’s project call (Mar 29th) will be cutover plan review session
- Current status
- reviewed by Migration Team
- full approval expected this week
- distribution to Cal State impl team shortly after approval
- distribution to full Cal State PM list upon impl team review
- Alma Health Checklists – next round should be filled out by Apr 15
- Start with your Feb checklist and update it with current progress
- Watch for more details and comments via Basecamp
- Alma advanced functional calls (Thursdays, 9-10:30am Pacific)
- Topics for upcoming weeks
- Mar 23 – Authority control: global CZ authority management (Megan / Emily Boss)
- Mar 30 - Booking (Laurie)
- Apr 6 - ERM topics (part 1) (Megan)
- Apr 13 - ERM topics (part 2) (Megan)
- Apr 20 - prep tasks for cutover (Dolph / team)
- New WebEx call details
- Topics for upcoming weeks
Meeting number / password: 719 859 699 / CalState!2017
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred)
Chat transcript
from Dolph Chaney to Everyone:
Audio check - is OK?
from Brandon (privately):
Should give folks another couple of minutes to log in
from Nikki (CPSLO) to Everyone:
Maybe it was just me, but I had a hard time getting in. Blank screen for a long time.
from Maria Pena to Everyone:
Where is call schedule available?
from Lynn (privately):
Chris Langer
from Lynn (privately):
Ignore the "Chris Langer" note :)
from Lynn to Everyone:
Brandon provided a contact at each institution - Fresno is scheduled for April 6 and the invite was sent to Chris Langer
from Maria Pena to Everyone:
from Lynn to Everyone:
For all: if there are questions about the invites, please contact me directly ( and I can confirm who received the invite and send it again as needed
from Thoreau (SF) to Everyone:
Any update on the resource sharing testing plans?
from Brandon to Everyone:
Thoreau - Anya Arnold is working with the GTF to finalize testing plans for distrbution
from Thoreau (SF) to Everyone:
Glad to hear it!
from Stacie Jensen to Everyone:
A Primo question: Apologies if this has been answered somewhere and I just can’t find it. During the Primo Functional Call on Feb 2, there was discussion about the display of “Get it from other institutions” in the Get It tab and the ability to use the views wizard to hide or collapse the list of campuses. I believe Lynn and Jim were going to do some testing to see if it was possible and I was wondering what the word was on it?
from Brandon to Everyone:
Not I
from Lynn to Everyone:
Hide get it: prm-alma-more-inst {
display: none;
from Mike to Everyone:
bye all
from Lynn to Everyone:
I'll post on basecamp as call is ending...
from Stacie Jensen to Everyone:
from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:
Thanks Dolph