CALSTATE weekly call

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

11:00 AM




  1. Staff availability
  • Apr 5-6: Jim & Lynn at staff training – not attending this call; responses may be delayed
  • Apr 6-7: Brandon / David / Alice attending COLD meeting
    • Last in-person COLD meeting for the academic year
    • Discussing the deans’ role in cutover
    • Highlighting partnership between campus PMs and deans
    • Key decision: branding / naming of RS network and consortial Alma/Primo
    • Decisions needed on governance post-go-live
  • Individual institution Primo meetings began Mar 16 and continue (Lynn & Jim)
  • CSU continuing NR changes, with ExL assisting
  • Publishing job will continue to be run manually (by ExL) 2x/month
  1. Primo status


  1. Alma status

Meeting number / password: 719 859 699 / CalState!2017 
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) 
1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 
Browser requirements: Please use a Java-enabled Internet browser (IE preferred) 

Chat transcript


from Mike (privately):

Hi Dolph. My team was looking for any Verde forms that we need to fill out but I can't locate them on the page with all of the migration and mapping documents. Can you send me a link to any documents we might need pre-migration?

from Mike (privately):


from Tim S to Everyone:

RE: Primo We have a calendar date for Finalize Primo Configurations of April 15.  What exactly does this mean?

from Tim S to Everyone:

OK - BaseCamp instead?

from Tim S to Everyone:

Another Primo Quesiton: Currently our base URL is

from Tim S to Everyone:

Is htis stable through go-live? Willl this change?

from Tim S to Everyone:

OK. Understood.  the word "finalize" scares the hoo-hah out of me at this point

from Mike to Everyone:

Tim: we created a redirect to Primo which proved to be helpful to our folks. It made it so that you could still access it easily without remembering that long URL or having a bookmark.

from Tim S to Everyone:

Thanks Mike

from Christina (CSUCI) to Everyone:

thanks dolph

from Brandon to Everyone:

Thanks Dolph!