CALSTATE weekly call
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
11:00 AM
- Staff availability
- Lynn out May 18-22
- Cutover prep: Alma data being deleted June 1 from both sandbox and production. (If necessary, we can extend sandbox another week to accommodate NR work.)
- CSU NR changes will pause for cutover but are continuing to be planned, with ExL assisting where needed.
- $$I issue – under Ex Libris investigation; may be rendered moot by data reload at cutover
- Cutover UNDERWAY!
- CSU / campuses working on migration forms / field mapping forms / AutoExtract kits
- Group 1: cutover activity by ExL Migration Team is underway!
- Group 2: 1st drafts due Apr 21; final forms May 8; data @ FTP May 20
- Group 3: 1st drafts due Apr 28; final forms May 15; data @ FTP May 27
NOTE: Please ftp your final forms with the data. If there are changes to the forms since the last ones migration has reviewed, then the changed forms should also be added to the case.
- CSU / campuses working on migration forms / field mapping forms / AutoExtract kits
- Alma Health Checklists
- Next draft due this week
- Resource Sharing testing
- Just a couple of campuses left without successful RS testing – thank you!
- Testing sessions will go on hold during Alma config freeze
- Alma advanced functional calls – series on hold (per Brandon msg to PM list)
- Calls for May 18, 25, and June 1 are cancelled
- Series may resume if needed on June 8, to help with cutover/go-live questions
- Cutover UNDERWAY!
- Primo status
- Alma status
Chat transcript
from Amanda-CSUB to everyone:
Dolph, with the manual Vgr extracts, will that change how data is loaded in Alma this time?
from Chris Bulock to everyone:
Thanks Dolph! I appreciate the clarity on that.
from Jessica Hartwigsen (privately):
There are multiple open cases for NZ electronic collections that are supposed to be fixed in the Alma May release. When will that be applied?
from Amanda-CSUB to everyone:
Ahh, ok that makes sense. Thanks!
from Dolph Chaney to everyone:
There are multiple open cases for NZ electronic collections that are supposed to be fixed in the Alma May release. When will that be applied?
from Dolph Chaney to everyone:
Available For group fix should be present now in May
from Dolph Chaney to everyone:
Gale collection special parameters still not working from NZ
from Dolph Chaney to everyone:
Factiva still not working from NZ (believe to be fixed for July release)
from Thoreau (SF) to everyone:
SF has tested RS sucessfully.
from yvonne (privately):
One off topic question, if I may, will import profile for meda data import remain in ALMA, as part of the alma config.? Pls. advise and thanks!
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
go schaumberg!
from Dolph Chaney to everyone:
from yvonne
One off topic question, if I may, will import profile for meda data import remain in ALMA, as part of the alma config.? Pls. advise and thanks!
from yvonne (privately):
Great and thanks!!
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
i guess in that vein i'm wondering about timing on testing shib for alma
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
is it best to jam this before freeze or after
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
basically Friday! agh
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
okay i started on our IDmgmt
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
on our side so that part is done
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
ok thanks
from Chris Bulock to everyone:
I'm hoping that shib setup for Alma won't actually require any Alma config changes, Christina.
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
yes otherwise i wouldn't be considering
from David Walker to everyone:
Just to reiterate, the Shib integration profile settings were already put into Alma by me a few weeks ago.
from Alice Kawakami-CSU to everyone:
Thanks Dolph
from Christina (CSUCI) to everyone:
thanks dolph
from Mark B (Los Angeles) to everyone:
Many thanks Dolph and All
(Note: Thoreau at SFSU will be submitting a case to move Dematic ASRS testing forward. Setup on the Dematic side seems to be ready for the Alma piece and testing to be coordinated.)