1. Review of action items from last week's call
· Salesforce cases have been created for each vanguard institution
· Meeting recording & slide deck sent to Brandon
· Initial test load timeline:
2. Questions on migration inputs
a. At the kick-off meeting, we asked for a policy calendar (when policies need to be decided, so we can backtrack and schedule time for these decisions to be made). When can we expect this?
EXL: Depends on if you’re talking about shared, network-level policies or institution-level policies. In general, Alma configuration is very flexible and changes can be made throughout implementation and beyond. We will be addressing the topic of configuration in more detail when we start to fill out the Configuration forms. The timeline for that:
When you get your initial test loads in mid-January, with the NZ, discussions will become more concrete and that will be the time to start talking about collaborative network configuration decisions in earnest. However, as Patrick noted in the start of the call, it would be useful now to have a list of specific decisions related to shared workflows, and a deadline for firming those up.
ACTION: EXL to provide list of specific decisions that need to be made (shared network type decisions) by certain date. Audrey notes that EXL is working on a document that describes consortia-level decisions on both Primo and Alma sides. Will work with Brandon on scheduling meetings with CALSTATE in next two months to discuss further. This information will be presented and discussed at that point.
b. Alma Library Code names: Does it make it easier to collocate CSU libraries if we have our names start CSU- (so CSU-SJSU, CSU-Fresno, CSU-CSUN, etc.)?
EXL: There are no functional implications. Example from Alliance (no prefix), example from Wisconsin (with prefix)
c. Are electronic Government Printing Office (GPO) documents in the Central KB? Should we migrate our electronic GPO bibliographic records? What about GPO records which are print + electronic?
EXL: Have you activated these resources in SFX? If yes, these will migrate from SFX. If you have the corresponding bib records in your ILS, be sure to mark these records with the SFX prefix in migration form so that you won't migrate duplicate ILS records. However, if there is a PO line linked to the record, we will retain the ILS bib and will correspondingly suppress it. If you DO want to keep the ILS record for some reason (e.g. enriched), then do not mark them with the SFX prefix, but please note you will see duplicates in Alma. After migration you can link those portfolios to the Community Zone and also keep your local bibliographic data if desired.
Records with print and electronic inventory – if location and bib marked as having e-inventory – item linked to e-location will be converted to portfolio, physical location item will migrate as physical. Both will be linked to the same title. It would help to get some examples of records that you're not sure how it would migrate -- ACTION: CALSTATE to send Audrey a list of examples for next project call (screenshots + explanation)
d. Should we migrate e-book bibliographic records to Alma or just activate in the Central KB? What about current owned and not-owned PDA records?
EXL: not all CKB e-books have good quality bib records. Recommend: Create PDA profiles, retrieve sets of records (ensure they are marked PDA records using a local 9XX field), then run the process to link inventory to PDA profiles. When resources are linked to PDA profile it will be possible to manage resources via PDA functions in Alma. Suggest testing this when you get your test load.
e. What about electronic audios and videos?
EXL: If identified as e-resources in migration – standalone portfolio with url will be created. Do you have an example in mind? Action: CALSTATE will send Audrey examples for next week's project call (screenshots + explanation)
f. We are still struggling with EL definition of a Package and a Database? Please give us examples of specific resources that would be classified as a Package and a Database, for or example, Academic Search Complete, Psycinfo, Psycinfo Complete, ebrary Academic Complete.
Databases – is a collection of citations, abstracts and indexing of electronic titles
Main differences that will characterize the database collection type in Alma:
They are not present in Central KB
Generally you will not link portfolios or services to it
Database only have one URL in Alma that enables end user to access the database site and perform searches in the database remote site
Library purchases access to the db. Library doesn’t purchase the full text itself, but only access. User accesses db and searches materials in the database.
Additional Examples Medline (journal citations and titles for biomedical literature), Inspec.
Package is a collection of full-text titles, example – any collection you see in the Community Zone is an example of an aggregator or selective package.
g. What happens if we misname a Package and call it a Database?
EXL: Nothing happens. This can always be updated in Alma.
h. We read in the EL glossary that Databases and Packages will be renamed “e-collections”. Do we really need to determine between the two?
EXL: No major difference. You may want to suppress from publishing to Primo standalone packages which have no linked portfolios, but still publish databases.
Example of package and database in Alma:
What displays In Primo
i. What happens with multiple e-order records when attached to migrated records? The documentation says that the most recent order will migrate and previous orders will remain categorized as physical. Is this correct?
EXL: Yes this is how it works now. JSTOR ebooks as an example: bib record for JSTOR ebooks with 5 order records (bought 5 different collections) --> so the first order record will migrate and the previous will not? All the PO lines are active. Action: CALSTATE will send this example to EXL and we will investigate -- please also include the statuses of the different PO lines
Question: are we migrating only active records? Whole history? Last history? Ans: Migration guide indicates we only migrate open orders…
Question: how much of the paid history for open orders will be migrated? 7 years audit requirement. Action: EXL will check.
3. Review of Navigation & Searching, User management
o Navigation & Searching seemed pretty straightforward - no questions from group. We moved on to user management topic
o User management
Q. Differentiation between patrons in the initial search results list? Particularly when you have to look for a patron by name, and there are multiple results with same name. Common at the circ desk. Ans: Click on the 'more information' icon.
Q. Difference between Internal and external patron record -- If we have students that have not come over in the patron load yet, we can create the record manually and have it viewed as an external patron record. As soon as the patron load comes, is everything in the patron record overlaid? Can you protect certain fields from overlay? For example, if we have a student who wants to retain a particular address? Ans: This is correct. You can have multiple addresses for user account and can mark certain addresses as internal so those will not be overlaid during patron load process even though patron type is external. For more information, the training session “Working at the Circulation Desk” explains how to register external users -
Q. Roles: staff, public and vendors. Why do we have roles for patrons? Ans: Patron roles are crucial for fulfillment services. If user has no patron role, s/he will not be able to get services from the library. By adding patron role to user record, you also assign library/institution to each user. Roles are like permissions that are assigned. You can take external user that is one of your staff users, and you can assign staff user to roles that allow that user to do certain things in Alma. Everyone needs patron role so they can check things in and out.
Q. Is it possible to have generic roles? Eg. 'generic staff roles for student assistant'. Ans: Yes. Larger institutions have rules set up so that if a user had certain characteristics, they would automatically get assigned student assistant roles. You can create roles templates in Alma for each library to make this process of assigning roles much more efficient.
Q. Community users at San Jose will be able to sign-in to Primo but NOT be allowed to access restricted electronic content. In other words, only a subset of My Account features in Primo (check library account, save searches, place requests?) will be allowed. Action: EXL will investigate options and report back
4. Next project call, we will review/discuss: Fulfillment, and any other migration questions.