ACRL 2016 Survey

Materials/services expenses
20One-time purchase of books, serial backfiles, and other materials
20aE-books (if available)
21Ongoing commitments to subscriptions
21aOngoing expenses for e-books (if available)
21bOngoing expenses for e-journals (if available)
22All other materials/service cost
23Total materials/services expenses (automatically calculated)

IPEDS 2015 Survey

Materials/services expenses

One-time purchases of books, serial backfiles, and other materials 

Ongoing commitments to subscriptions 

All other materials/service cost 

Total materials/services expenses (automatically calculated)

Alma Analytics strategies

Add Alma analytics strategies here.  All ideas welcome–more than one strategy may be required to capture all data in all set-ups.

QuestionAlma Analytics StrategyTested byComments

One-time purchases of books, serial back-files, and other materials (ACRL 2016 line 20)
Provide the cost of one-time purchases of books, serial backfiles, and other materials. Report expenses for published materials in all formats including archives and special collections. Include one-time acquisitions of access rights for digital/electronic materials held locally and for remote materials for which permanent access rights have been acquired. Include expenses for database licenses only if it’s not a subscription or part of an annual consortium fee.

Selected Columns: Transaction Date (Transaction Date Fiscal Year), PO Line Type (Continuity, Acquisition Material Type, Format), Fund Transactions (Transaction Amount)

Filters: Continuity is equal to / is in ONETIME AND Transaction Date Fiscal Year is equal to / is in [fiscal year]

One-time expenses for e-books (ACRL 2016 line 20a) (not asked on IPEDS)

Report the library’s one-time expenses for e-books in the e-books block only if the library can identify these expenses separately.

These e-book expenses should be included in the block labeled “One-time purchases of books, serial back-files, and other materials.” Any expenses for e-books indicated in this separate block (line 20a) will not be added into the Total materials/services expenses. One-time expenses for e-books is included as an informational data point only.

Selected Columns: Transaction Date (Transaction Date Fiscal Year), PO Line Type (Continuity, Acquisition Material Type, Format), Fund Transactions (Transaction Amount)

Filters: Continuity is equal to / is in ONETIME AND Transaction Date Fiscal Year is equal to / is in [fiscal year] AND Acquisition Material Type is equal to / is in BOOK AND Format is equal to / is in E

Ongoing commitments to subscriptions (line 21)
Report expenses for ongoing commitments in all formats, including duplicates, for all outlets. This includes serials and any other items committed to annually, as well as annual e-platform or access fees. Serials are publications issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. Print-based Serial subscriptions include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.), memoirs, proceedings, and transactions of societies. Include the costs of electronic serials bought in aggregations and serial packages. Include abstracting and indexing services and any database that requires an annual subscription fee. Do not include subscription fees if they are part of an annual consortium fee. Government documents received serially are included if they are accessible through the library's catalog.

Selected Columns: Transaction Date (Transaction Date Fiscal Year), PO Line Type (Continuity, Acquisition Material Type, Format), Fund Transactions (Transaction Amount)

Filters: Continuity is equal to / is in CONTINUOUS; STANDINGORDER AND Transaction Date Fiscal Year is equal to / is in [fiscal year]

Ongoing expenses for e-books in the e-books (line 21a) (not asked on IPEDS)

Report the library’s ongoing expenses for e-books in the e-books block only if the library can identify these expenses separately.

These e-book expenses should be included in the block labeled “Ongoing commitments to subscriptions.” Any expenses for e-books indicated in this separate block (line 21a) will not be added into the Total materials/services expenses. Ongoing expenses for e-books is included as an informational data point only.

Ongoing expenses for e-journals in the e-journals (line 21b) (not asked on IPEDS)

Report the library’s ongoing expenses for e-journals in the e-journals block only if the library can identify these expenses separately.

These e-journal expenses should be included in the block labeled “Ongoing commitments to subscriptions.” Any expenses for e-journals indicated in this separate block (line 21b) will not be added into the Total materials/services expenses. Ongoing expenses for e-journals is included as an informational data point only.

Expenditures on other materials/services (includes document delivery/ILL and short-term loan fees)

Additional survey guidance:

  • If ILL is included as an expense with bibliographic utilities but the costs cannot be separated out, include the ILL costs here, and the bibliographic utilities expenses in line 25.
  • Include expenditures for pay-per-view (PPV) journal article transactions in line 22. If, however, the library places the journal article in the collection (the library keeps it), then it should be reported in line 20.
  • Include the costs for bibliographic management systems (e.g., RefWorks, EndNote) if provided through the library’s budget for students and faculty. This survey views these products as information resource management tools.
these fees may not be fully captured within Alma and strategies will likely vary between institutions