Analytics reports were created for review of your data in the test load. These can be found in the Alma Analytics function. You can navigate to Alma Analytics through the Alma | Administration | Design Analytics menu option. For a great training and introduction on how to use Alma Analytics, please check out the Introduction to Analytics video.
You can navigate to the CalState analytics queries by clicking on Catalog in the top navigation. In the lefthand navigation, expand Shared Folders | Community | Reports | CalState | Testing Procedures. There are individual folders created to reflect each functional area. Double-click on the subfolder that you are interested in (acquisitions, fulfillment, cataloging, etc.). In order to run a query, simply select Open below the report that you wish to run. Another way to navigate to these reports is by searching for "Calstate testing" in the search bar at the top of the page. This will retrieve all reports created in analytics to review your migrated data.
Below is a list of each report, and some of the questions that you might want to consider when looking at each report. If you encounter any unusual data when looking through these reports, you will want to investigate the issue further. If you need assistance obtaining more specific information in order to observe examples of data that falls into a particular category, please feel free to contact me or post on Basecamp regarding how to find examples from a particular category.
Report Name | What are you testing? |
PO Count by Vendor | Do the vendor names and vendor codes appear to accurately reflect your vendor codes and names? Check for unexpected semi-colons or any other unexpected values in the vendor name field. Does the total number of POs associated with each vendor accurately reflect the number of POs that should be associated with each vendor? |
PO Count by Order Line type | Does the total number of purchase orders in each order line type category reflect your ordering practices? Does the number of electronic orders appear to low? To high? Do the number of print orders appear to low? To high? Is the total number of purchase orders accurate? |
PO Count by Acquisition Method | Do the total number of purchase orders in each acquisition method reflect your current practices? Are there any acquisition methods that are not listed that should be? Note that the possible acquisition methods are: Purchase, Approval, Gift, Vendor_System, Depository, Exchange, Technical. |
Expenditure per Fund Ledger Transaction | Expand your fund hierarchy. Does the fund nesting hierarchy appear accurate? Are the fund names and codes accurate? |
Resource Management
Report Name | What are you testing? |
Holdings with the largest number of items | Pull up a couple of these holdings based on the holdings ID in Alma. Is the total number of items attached to each holding what you expect? These holdings may represent unique holdings, so you may want to do some general comparisons for a subset of these holdings to validate that all data appears as expected for the attached items, item details and holdings details. |
Holdings with the longest summary statements | Compare the summary holding statement for a couple of these records to the summary holding statement for the corresponding records in your current system. Are the migrated summary holding statements accurate? Is the format of the statement correct? |
Item count by library and location | Displays all of your location codes that currently contain any items, and the breakdown of total items assigned to each location code. Are there any locations that shouldn't contain items that do? Do any locations contain an unusually high or low number of items? Are there any problems with your location codes or names? |
Number of items by inventory date | Shows the number of items assigned to each inventory date that was migrated to Alma. Does the number of items that don't contain any inventory date appear accurate? Do the inventory dates that were migrated appear accurate? |
Holdings with the shortest call numbers | Look at the shortest call numbers listed in this report. Do all of these values match the call numbers in your current system? Can you tell where the call number field originated? Do you see any problems with these call numbers that you wish to rectify? |
Holdings with the longest call numbers | Look at the longest call numbers listed in this report. Do all of the call number fields match the call numbers in your current system? Does any of this data come from a non-call number field? |
Count of bib records by material type | The bib record material type comes from the leader 06 field. Does the number of bib records material type appear accurate? Are there any material types that you are surprised are assigned to bib records? Are there any material types that you expect to see but do not? |
Report Name | What are you testing? |
User block values by user count | Are the block descriptions accurate? Do they reflect your MBLOCK values? Does the total number of patrons assigned each patron block appear accurate? |
Longest names in User records | Are all of the user names complete? Are there any problems with the placement of user names in the last name/first name fields? Is there anything missing in the user name fields? Are there any diacritics/special characters that show a problem? |
Longest notes in user records | Look at some of the longest notes that were contained in patron records. Are the notes in Alma complete? Are there any problems with the contents of the notes? Are the notes correctly user viewable/not viewable as expected? Pull up some of these patron records in Alma. Are the patron notes easy to read and understand? |
Number of items assigned to each item policy | Do the Item policies accurately reflect the item policies you believe need to exist in Alma? Does the number of items assigned to each item policy seem accurate? Are there a surprising number of items in any category? Are there any categories that seem to have too few items? |
Items with highest number of total checkouts | Displays the item barcode, record title and total number of checkouts for the highest circulated items. The total checkout is based on the migrated TOT CHKOUT from the item record. Compare a couple of item records and verify that the total number of checkouts appear accurate (note that the results will vary slightly due to checkouts that occurred after you delivered your data for Alma). |
Total number of items renewed/recalled/loaned | Shows the total number of items that have the current process status of renewed, recalled or loaned. Does the total number of items in each category appear accurate? |
Total number of users in each user group | Shows the total number of users assigned to each user group in Alma. Does the name of each user group appear correct? Are there any user groups that you did not expect to appear? Does the number of patrons in each group appear accurate? |
Course Reserves
Report Name | What are you testing? |
Number of items linked to each Course reserve | Pull up a few courses in your current system and in Alma. Do the number of attached "citations" in Alma align with the number of attached items in your current system? Note that the number of citations in Alma is based on bib record number instead of item record number, which may account for some differences in counts. Does the total number of citations on reserve appear accurate? Do the course names/codes appear accurate? |
Total number of course records | Does the total number of course records created in Alma roughly reflect the number of course records that you migrated? There will be somewhat of a mismatch because duplicate course records are created for any courses that have multiple course names. However, this number should roughly reflect the number of courses you migrated. |