If you migrated MFHD holdings to Alma, you will need to generate your 866 Lib Has statements in Alma for all migrated holdings. The migration directly migrates over the MARC fields that you currently have in your MFHD holdings (853-5/863-5, etc). However, Primo does not automatically generate a holdings statement from the 853-5/863-5 pairs. Instead it displays the holding 866 statement directly in Primo.
In order for your Lib Has information to display in Primo, do the following. The following only applies to campuses that migrated MFHD holdings.
Run a job over your holdings to automatically generate the 866 statement from your 853-5/863-5 pairs. Ex Libris already created a normalization rule to do this, but you have to set it up as a job in order to run it over your holdings records. Watch this video for a how-to on setting this up: Automatically Create 866/7/8 Fields in Holdings Records.
Once you have set up your new job, you can run the batch job over a set of holdings by navigating to Run a Job | Select the “Change Holding Information” job | Select the set of records you want to update. Once you have tested this on a subset of records, you can run this over a set that contains all holdings in your system.
On the next screen you will select the process that you just created. In the below example, the process was named "Create Summary 866-8", so that is the normalization rule selected. Remember to check the box next to "Correct the data using normalization rules" as well. Run the job, and you should now see an 866 statement in your holdings records.
For more information on the generation of the 866 statement as an ongoing process in Alma, review this page: Automatic Generation of the Summary Holdings Statement Based on Items For ongoing generation of 866 fields in Alma, the normalization rule can be added to the Marc21 holdings process “normalize on save”. These rules are automatically applied when a record is updated in Alma.