ULMS Migration Archive : Notes from Leads Meeting - Breakout Sessions

I've transcribed the notes from the breakout sessions at the Working Group Leads meeting on  in case we'd like to refer to them at some point. brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


Access Services


  1. Track down "CSU Wide Policies" - different campuses, different interpretations
  2. Identify people at each campus who are stakeholders - each area of A.S. and determine the MAIN contact for each campus
  3. Gathering info from all campuses - what does each do? - ENVIRONMENT SURVEY - Different service points, hours, services etc. RESERVES (migrating? how many?)
  4. Getting people signed up for working groups - determining who is already signed up
  5. Setup confluence so we can track tasks
  6. In person meeting!

Resource Sharing

  1. Deciding on integration w/INN-Reach
  2. Who will set up parameters (terms of use, etc.) in vanguard test? Can we test resource sharing? Who can access vanguard data?
  3. Statistics from each campus what resource sharing service are being used? Volume? Followup with those not posted on I-SPIE (Stacy) Due 10/05/15


  1. How does migrating reserves work?




  • "Code it to count it"
    • Coding based on standards
    • coding implications on reporting
  • Reporting abilities in NZ vs. IZ
  • Need input into other working groups coding decisions for reporting
  • Is this an iterative process
    • should test loads allow us to test reporting?
  • Identify mandatory reporting requirements
    • ACRL - CSU (ND)
    • GAAP (ND)
    • Cost/use - impact of YOP (CP)
    • Accreditation reports (Stephanie) - resources by discipline
      • $ - onetime vs. ongoing
    • patron/circ data
      • who is using what, when (JG)
      • discovery layer stats
      • analytics survey results (MD)
      • Reach out to other groups (Lisa)
        • listserv signups
        • reporting needs



Priorities (evaluation matrix)

  • RFP List
  • Implementation check list for Primo from Ex Libris
  • Webinar from demo
  • Notes from regional meetings


  • Compile list of existing sites on Confluence
  • San Marcos, Sac State, Boston, Orbis members

User Testing

Input from working group on requirements for evaluation

Link resolver



  • Sept forms may have useful data for working group
  • Authentication
    • Shib
    • Other
    • ILLIad
    • Patron Load
    • NCIP Integration
  • Peoplesoft
    • Patron data sync'd
    • Standardize input & output format
    • library/campus outliers doing things differently, not using peoplesoft
  • Cashnet
    • API
  • Roles
    • Staff - best practice
    • end-users
  • RFID - Anyone else besides Fresno?
  • Processes for working w/campus IT
  • LMS Integration
  • Prioritization of tasks
  • Providing 508 compliance documentation


Tech Services

Best Practices/Policies

  1. Policies and procedures for populating the Network Zone (NZ)
  2. Policies for enhancing/overlaying records int he NZ
  3. Best practices for shared cataloging (ie Coordinating w/Primo for FRBR etc)
  4. Identifying experts (across CSU) for leadership role to serve as a resource for specific tasks (e.g. distribution of work, maintenance of records)


  1. Defining/rethinking workflows for technical services (acq/cat/erm) based on efficiencies & elimination of duplicate work
  2. Defining workflows for shared environments
  3. Defining workflows for authority control in shared environment
  4. Provide campuses "priority list" for data cleanup
  5. Request "type of errors" (list) which will cause records to be excluded during migration
  6. Defining workflow for local e-packages not part of Alma KB (eg, source of records)
  7. Workflow for e-books when the quality & completeness of metadata from other sources are superior to the KB (impact & implications to shared cataloging)
  8. Integration of Alma & peoplesoft for realtime fund management & invoice processing
  9. Aligning of coding of records (eg, orders) to support & facilitate gathering of statistics for CSU 9analytics)