ULMS Migration Archive : Primo Glossary of Terms

TermDefinitionIn IIIIn Voyager
AlertsYou can save a search query, and have the search set to be performed automatically. An alert notifies you if there are any new search results.Preferred Search (WebPAC) 
Availability pipeThe availability pipe checks for available updates several times throughout the day.n/a 
Availability textThis text is determined by Primo. It appears next to the item name and indicates to the user the availability of the resource.Status 
Back OfficeThe user interface and programs that manage the Publishing Platform.n/a 
Basic SearchA configurable tile in the Views wizard. The user uses this tile to search for a specific item.Search 
Brief ResultsA configurable tile in the Views wizard. After the user searches for a specific item, the results appear in this tile.Brief Display 
BulksThe publishing pipe process records in groups of records that are called bulks. By default, the bulk size is 1000 records.n/a 
Data sourceThe data source from which the Publishing Platform harvests records. A single source system may contain several data sources. For example, in terms of SFX, Primo harvests a single SFX instance. A single SFX installation may include several instances (that is, data sources). In Aleph and Voyager, every bibliographic database is a separate data source. A single installation of Aleph or Voyager may include several bibliographic databases that are harvested by Primo.n/a 
Delivery restricted scopesRestricted delivery scopes indicate access restrictions for online resources.III does not limit display in this way 
Double metaphoneThe double metaphone search algorithm is a phonetic algorithm and is the second generation of the metaphone algorithm. It is called "double" because it can return both a primary and a secondary code for a string. For example, encoding the name "Smith" yields a primary code of SM0 and a secondary code of XMT, while the name "Schmidt" yields a primary code of XMT and a secondary code of SMT. Both have XMT in common.n/a 
E-shelfE-shelf lets you save search results in your Basket.Book Cart 
FacetsA configurable tile in the Views wizard. The tile opens relevant links that might interest the user, determined from the search that was made.Facets 
InstitutionThe institution is a central administrative concept in Primo. Users and resources belong to institutions.Site/Library 
Main pipeThe main ILS pipe is generally run during the night and includes all updates to bibliographic records and related holdings and authorities.n/a 
MetaphoneMetaphone is a phonetic algorithm for indexing words by their sound, when pronounced in English. The algorithm produces keys as its output. Similar sounding words share the same keys and are of variable length in the metadata form.n/a 
n-gramAn n-gram is a sub-sequence of n items from a given sequence. n-grams are used in various areas of statistical natural language processing and genetic sequence analysis. The items in question can be letters, words, or base pairs, according to the application.n/a 
Normalization mapping setThe set of normalization rules that convert source records to the PNX.n/a 
Normalization rule setsNormalization rules are applied to the source data. These rules are used to translate the data source into a PNX format.n/a 
PDSThe Patron Directory Service is used with all Ex Libris products as a user authentication system.n/a 
Persistence layerAn Oracle database that is part of the publishing platform in which PNX records are stored before they are retrieved by the search engine.n/a 
Pipe runEvery execution of a publishing pipe is called a pipe runn/a 
PipesThe pipe is the set of steps that the source information goes through before being turned into the PNX record.n/a 
PNXThe Primo normalized XML format. This is the common format to which all source records are converted.n/a 
PNX recordPrimo normalized XML record. The source record is translated to this format and loaded into the Primo database.n/a 
Publishing pipeWithin the Publishing Platform, PNX records are created by publishing pipes. In principle, every data source has its own pipe with its own normalization mapping set.n/a 
Restricted search scopesBy defining restricted search scopes, you can restrict discovery of groups of records to specific users.III does not limit display in this way 
Scopes (Views)Scope is a general concept that is used to create groups of resources. Primo has three types of scopes:
o  Search scopes
o  Restricted search scopes
o  Restricted delivery scopes
The term “scope” is also often used to refer to search scopes, which are defined per view.
Scopes (III does not restrict display so the restricted scopes are n/a) 
Search scopesSearch scopes are defined per view and define a group of record that can be searched together. There are two types of search scopes:
o  A local scope is a subset within the Primo repository. The default is the entire local repository.
o  A remote scope is a list of records in a remote location outside the Primo repository.
Similar itemsYou can create a search for similar items. Similar items creates a search based on the author of the item from the previous search.n/a 
SliceThe Primo Search Engine supports multiple slices to reduce retrieval time for very large data sets.n/a 
Source recordThe individual record from the data source that is converted to the Primo normalized record (the PNX).n/a 
Source systemThe system from which the Publishing Platform harvests records —for example, Aleph, Voyager, and SFX.Millennium/Sierra 
TaggingUsers can add reviews and keywords to any item.n/a 
ViewThe View is the Primo user interface. You can define one or more view. Every view can have a different “look and feel” and list of search scopes.Display