Policy Statement:

Patron pays to his/her home library, not to the library that owned the book. 

  • COLD requests a report on replacement fees charged by the end of June 2018 to verify that this policy does not introduce inequities. 


  • Policy insures that monies are collected consistently in a streamlined workflow.

  • This policy is based on the CSU Systemwide Agreement on Borrowing implemented in 1975, supplemented in 1992 to clarify this point. It indicates that monies should not be transferred among campuses due to the complicated nature of this process and the idea that number of lost items most likely will balance itself out.  Since all campuses make up one system, the movement of monies among individual campuses is not needed.

  • The review of lost items at the end of June 2018 will verify if, in fact, the lost items do balance out among the campuses.  The review will also provide an opportunity to examine how the workflow of transferring monies has changed.  It may turn out to be a simple process that lends itself to reimbursement among campuses.

Action log:


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Submit policy to the coordinating committee on 1/19/18 for approval by COLD

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)


Policy changes and rational written by RSFC

To be discussed by the coordinating committee

Policy discussed by coordinating committee

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)

Submitted to coordinating committee

To be discussed by COLD

Outline workflow for lost items. How does payment currently work? How would it work across campuses?


Determine what data is required to accurately report on fees collected for lost items in June.