Policy Statement:

We recommend that all campuses participate in Visiting Patron with data sharing between campuses.

  • Visiting patrons use RS peer-to-peer loan rules, not the local loan rules of the campus that they are visiting.

  • Data shared can be minimal: patron name, email address, barcode, and address.


  • All CSU libraries have already been set up for Visiting Patron with data sharing between campuses. The current loan rules for CSU Visiting Patrons reflect the loan rules established for CSU+ and not the local loan rules of the visited campus. The reasoning for this reflects the idea that a patron would only be visiting the campus for a short time so the loan should be treated as if it were a CSU+ loan and not as if the patron were a local user.

  • Future considerations to be explored:

    • Ramifications of Visiting Patron loan coinciding with those of local undergraduate users.

    • Pros and Cons of Visiting Patrons requesting material through CSU+ using their Visiting Patron account and the visited campus as the borrowing institution.

Action log:


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Submit policy to the coordinating committee on 1/19/18 for approval by COLD

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)


Policy changes and rational written by RSFC

To be discussed by the coordinating committee

Policy discussed by coordinating committee

Chris Lee (Unlicensed)

Submitted to coordinating committee

To be discussed by COLD

Work with fulfillment on the procedures for this - it falls in their wheelhouse more than resource sharing.